
Police said two suspects arrested on March 11 with a car bomb near a Mombasa mall were in contact with Shabaab militants in Somalia linked to the Westgate Mall attack. Security forces said two terrorists killed in a March 28 shootout in Likoni were Shabaab returnees involved in a “holy war” in retaliation for Kenya’s role in Somalia. Terrorists threw explosives at a food kiosk and a bus stop in Nairobi’s Eastleigh neighborhood, killing at least six people and injuring 10 more. A grenade maker in a house near the Al Bushraa Islamic Centre in Eastleigh died in a premature detonation. A grenade was found in a Lamu church on Sunday. Deputy President Ruto authorized security forces to shoot terrorists and said churches and mosques must not be used for extremism. Police have begun vetting airport workers.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
