Monthly Archives: March 2014


After a bombing at a Benghazi military academy that killed at least 11 people and wounded many more, Justice Minister Marghani urged Libyans to “declare war on terrorists who have been killing Libyans and foreigners in the cities of Benghazi and Derna,” and said international help is needed in the fight as Libya has no […]


French and Malian sources reported that wanted MUJAO commander Abou Dardar surrendered on March 15 to French troops, who briefly interrogated him and then turned him over to Malian security forces. He had reportedly taken refuge in Gao after the French military invention began in early 2013. Four Chadian soldiers in the MINUSMA force were […]


As search for Malaysian plane continues, the Pentagon showcases presence in the Pacific

United States

The US closed the Syrian Embassy and its two US consulates. Mohammad Hamdan of Dearborn, Mich. was arrested for trying to join Hezbollah in Syria. Nicholas Teausant, 20, a California student and National Guard member, was arrested in Washington near the Canadian border and charged with attempting to support a terrorist organization; he sought to […]


Robert Ford, the former US ambassador to Syria, said his biggest complaint about the Syrian opposition has been its failure to distance itself from al Qaeda and affiliates. Regime forces closed in on rebel holdouts in Yabroud; a Hezbollah source claimed the city fell to regime forces after a Hezbollah raid killed 13 rebel commanders. […]


The army arrested 21 gunmen, 19 of whom were Syrians, as they tried to enter the country from Syria near Wadi Khaled. Security at the border has been heightened as many Syrian opposition fighters fleeing Yabroud have sought refuge in Lebanon. Four rockets fired from Syria landed in the towns of Nabi Othman and Labweh, […]


Two police officers were killed in Qena during a security raid. The army spokesman said three militants were killed and 17 arrested in weekend operations in North Sinai. The Interior Ministry said it arrested two people involved in plot to target a power station in Giza. The army reshuffled a number of its top officers, […]


The US Navy intercepted a tanker laden with illicit Libyan oil and is returning it to port in Libya. As many as three car bombs detonated during a graduation ceremony at a military academy in Benghazi, killing 11 people and injuring 18 more. In separate car bomb attacks in Benghazi, an Air Force pilot was […]

Al Qaeda

9/11 Architect Says Bin Laden’s Son-in-Law Had No Role in Qaeda Military Operations


Over 100 civilians were killed when some 40 gunmen attacked three villages on March 14, killing men, women, and children and burning houses to the ground, in central Kaduna state; the attack is being blamed on Fulani herdsmen but Boko Haram is also suspected. Security forces killed eight terrorists in an ambush in Yobe state.

Navy SEALs intercept tanker with Libyan oil

US commandos seized a renegade tanker off the coast of Cyprus that was loaded with stolen oil and are sailing it back to Libya. Ansar al Sharia Libya criticized the rebels’ takeover of Libyan oil ports as inviting foreign intervention.


GNC head “Islamist” hostage, Libyans beware of Islamists at next election- Zeidan


Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bombers killed two policemen and a soldier in Mosul, and several soldiers in Ramadi. The ISIS also killed two more policemen and two soldiers in Mosul, two Awakening fighters and a civilian north of Baghdad, and a soldier and an intelligence official in Baghdad. Security forces killed […]


Five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including two Saudis, died in a premature detonation in Shabwa province. The AQAP operatives were assembling a car bomb when it exploded.


The strategic town of Yabroud has fallen to regime forces backed by Hezbollah, after weeks of fighting against rebel forces including the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. In Aleppo, Al Nusrah and Islamic fighters battled regime forces, and ISIS detained eight members of a family […]


A suicide car bomb killed two Hezbollah members and two other people in the Bekaa valley; the attack was claimed by the Al Nusrah Front and The Brigade of Free Sunnis in Baalbek. Syrian military airstrikes targeting rebel fighters in Arsal killed two fighters and wounded 11. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham […]


Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim said the government is pursuing a comprehensive plan to deal with terrorists in the country. Security sources said Ansar Jerusalem members were arrested in army operations in North Sinai. A Cairo court will decide on March 24 whether Ansar Jerusalem is a terrorist organization. The cabinet said it would take “decisive” […]