Monthly Archives: March 2014


Border guards arrested four people who illegally entered Jordan from Syria, and wounded four more in a clash at the border. Authorities said three other people who had been fighting with groups in Syria voluntarily surrendered upon entering Jordan. Over 760 refugees crossed over at illegal entry points into Jordan from Syria in the past […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five policemen and two civilians in a double IED attack in Tikrit. Yesterday, the ISIS killed 29 people in a series of attacks throughout the country. In one of those attacks, a suicide bomber killed six policemen at a funeral for another officer in Ramadi. Eight […]


Security forces thwarted an attempt to detonate an explosive device on the road leading to the el Arish airport. Some security sources said the intended target of the bomb was Sedki Sobhi, a top Egyptian general. Unidentified gunmen reportedly opened fire on a radio building in el Arish. The Egyptian military used Apaches above el […]


At least 12 people were killed as Yemeni military forces clashed with Shia Houthi rebels near Amran. Yemeni tribesmen bombed a pipeline in Marib, halting oil exports.


In a complaint to the UN, Syria accused the Turkish military of allowing and providing cover for the Al Nusrah Front and the Ahrar al Sham brigade to attack Syrian forces from Turkish territory near Kasab. Interior Minister Ala said two Albanians and a Kosovan who killed a gendarme and a policeman at a checkpoint […]


The US sailors who escorted the renegade oil tanker Morning Glory back to Libya have handed it over to the Libyan navy. Hours earlier, 16 people were killed in clashes between Libyan troops and separatist rebels in Ajdabiya, the hometown of Ibrahim Jathran, whose forces are blockading eastern oil terminals. The Tunisian ambassador denied reports […]


A fire destroyed Bamako’s main market, burning down 2,000 shops yesterday. On March 20, the French military claimed to have killed about 40 Islamist militants, including some senior commanders, in Mali in recent weeks.


Belgium raised its terror alert level to “high” as a result of the planned visit of US President Barack Obama and visits by other dignitaries between March 20 and April 3 for the European Union’s summit on Africa. A Belgian security official said no threats have been perceived and that the heightened alert is “the […]


In Latakia, the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and the Islamic Front battled regime forces around Kasab on the Turkish border; an Al Nusrah emir was killed. Fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and the Free Syrian Army are said to be seeking to take Raqqah from the Islamic State of Iraq and the […]


Some 300 Islamist fighters from the Jund al Sham are thought to have fled to Lebanon after Syrian forces captured the Krak des Chevaliers in Homs. As many as 1,000 Lebanese Jund al Sham fighters and their families are said to have survived an ambush near the Bqaiaa crossing in the Wadi Khaled area. Among […]


Iranian Ship, in Plain View but Shrouded in Mystery, Looks Very Familiar to US


The IDF announced the discovery of another terror tunnel from Gaza into Israel. Hamas said the tunnel was old and previously discovered. US senators said talks are underway with Israel to work on a new defense aid package. A top IDF official warned that the next major conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will also involve […]

Al Qaeda official in Syria was extremist preacher in Australia

An Al Nusrah Front video released on March 17 features Abu Sulayman al Muhajir, who was an extremist preacher in Australia. Abu Sulayman says he relocated to Syria, where he was part of al Qaeda’s mediation effort in the dispute between Al Nusrah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS). He criticizes ISIS in the video.


Security sources said two Ansar Jerusalem members were killed in an airstrike in North Sinai. Some Ansar Jerusalem fighters reportedly fled to Gaza due to ongoing Egyptian military operations in North Sinai. Unidentified assailants set fire to a garage containing cooking gas cylinders near Gaza. Clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and opponents left at least […]


Missing radioactive material may pose ‘dirty bomb’ threat: IAEA