Monthly Archives: March 2014


The Al Nusrah Front launched 12 rockets from Syria into an area near the Baalbek villages of Brital and Hor Taala. Syrian jets fired 12 missiles into the outskirts of Arsal. The army released a photo of a “dangerous wanted” man linked to recent suicide bombings in Lebanon. During a raid near the Beddawi Palestinian […]

United Arab Emirates

Dr Mahmoud al-Jaidah, a Qatari doctor, was sentenced to seven years in prison for supporting the banned Islamic religious group al-Islah, a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Activist groups and his family claimed his confessions were obtained after torture. Two Emiratis were also sentenced for the same offenses.


Kenyan mosques turned to avenues for recruiting youth into terrorism


The Interior Ministry said it arrested members of a terror cell in Beheira that was targeting security personnel and civilians. Officials began a new push to convince foreigners that Egypt is safe to visit. A police sergeant was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Beni Suef. In Giza, gunmen killed at least one policeman and […]


The IDF reported an increase in the number of intelligence alerts related to potential kidnappings of Israelis. A Palestinian from Nablus said he stabbed an Israeli Jew in Petah Tikva to take revenge on Israel and its security services. Intelligence Minister Steinitz said Israel is ready for peace with the Palestinians, but is concerned about […]


Iran cutting sensitive nuclear stocks, much work remains: IAEA


The government said Shabaab is recruiting youth with the help of extemist clerics in Nairobi and in the northeastern, western, and coastal regions. Many of the clerics are said to be Tanzanians, including wanted Sheikh Ramadhan Juma, who is accused of facilitating cross-border radicalization. Authorities have released 41 suspected Shabaab members arrested during a raid […]


As many as 500 protesters denouncing lack of security in Benghazi, Derna, and Sirte torched cars at the GNC last night, calling for the GNC to resign. In separate attacks in Benghazi, a special forces member was killed in a car bombing, a Coptic Christian was shot, and a former security official was wounded. The […]


Suspected Boko Haram militants killed at least 31 people in an attack in Mafa in Borno state; the al Qaeda-linked terror group had sent fliers warning of the attack, but when the attack came, soldiers guarding the village fled. Boko Haram has killed over 330 people already this year. An observer group said that despite […]


President Rouhani declared yesterday that Iran has decided on principle not to develop weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. He also said the Iranian government’s foreign policy is now “based on easing tensions and building confidence with the world.” State media said five border guards who had been kidnapped in Pakistan were freed.


Regime forces clashed with the Islamic Front in Latakia and in Aleppo. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fought against regime forces in Reef-al Safira city. A protest in Azaz demanded that the Islamic Front pull out; ISIS pulled out of Azaz three days ago. Fighting resumed between the Al Nusrah Front and […]


Security sources said they are concerned Ansar Jerusalem is planning new attacks. Prime Minister Mahlab said security will be the top priority for his government. The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 13 members of a suspected terror cell in Alexandria. Authorities reportedly arrested the owner of a workshop that produced weapons for militants in […]

Al Qaeda

Mainstream UK charities have donated thousands to Islamic group fronted by terror suspect


Protesters stormed the GNC and wounded two members of parliament. In separate attacks in Benghazi over the weekend, gunmen shot and killed a Frenchman, assassinated a senior Air Force officer, and wounded an Egyptian and a policeman. In Sirte, gunmen assassinated the head of the military council; Ansar al Sharia is said to have a […]


Today security forces shot and killed three Islamist terrorists in Sidi Ali Bounab in the Kabylie region, an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb stronghold, and confiscated arms and ammunition. Security forces yesterday shot and killed an Islamist terrorist in an area between Boumerdes and Tizi-Ouzou, and seized a firearm and three bombs. A young […]


Suspected Boko Haram militants killed at least 39 people as they prepared for prayers in Mainok, a village about 30 miles from the Borno state capital of Maiduguri, where Boko Haram killed over 100 people yesterday. Interior Minister Moro said Qatar-based radical Islamist preacher Abu Bilal Philips, who has been banned in Australia, UK, US, […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham has taken over the Halek district of Aleppo city after pulling out of Azaz following an ultimatum from the Al Nusrah Front. In Hasakah, Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front seized much of Markada after clashing with ISIS. In Deir Izzour, Al Nusrah and the Ahrar al […]

Saudi Arabia

Responding to Russian criticism of the reported Saudi plan to provide MANPADs to Syrian rebels, the Foreign Ministry blamed Russian support of the Assad regime for the prolongation of the Syrian conflict. King Abdullah recently decreed that any citizen who fights abroad faces three to 20 years in prison, and anyone who incites others to […]


Security for Speaker Nahbi Berri was stepped up after reports that senior Abdullah Azzam Brigades commander Sheikh Sirajeddine Zreiqat had tasked Mahmoud Abu Alfa, another Brigades member, with planning a suicide attack on Berri’s residence. Fears of imminent suicide attacks caused the closure of two centers in Beirut where gas canisters are filled. President Sleiman […]