Monthly Archives: March 2014

Bin Laden Aide Began Qaeda Propaganda Day After 9/11, US


The Syrian National Coalition has retained Gen. Abdel-Ilah Bashir as head of the Free Syrian Army but given former head Salem Idriss the post of military adviser to SNC chief Ahmad Jarba. Negotiators lost contact with 13 Syrian nuns kidnapped by an Al Nusrah Front-linked group led by Abu Malek al-Kuwaiti. Regime, NDF, and Hezbollah […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 42 people in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Jisr Diyala, Hillah, Iskandariyah, and Mishada. The ISIS also killed three policemen in Mosul, Tikrit, and Khalidiyah. Security forces captured al Qaeda’s emir for Jurf al-Sakar.


‘We stop Iranian arms smuggling often,’ says Israeli security source

AQAP leader on trial in Yemen

Senior al Qaeda militant Mohsen Mansar al Salami will face trial for assassinating a Yemeni military official amid a increasing trend of al Qaeda attacks on security personnel.


Hezbollah has reportedly set up a small military airport in Baalbek in the Bekaa valley, from which it is operating Iranian-made Mirsad-1 and Mirsad-2 drones. Russia said it would maintain its “military-technical” cooperation with Lebanese security forces and called on the international community to help create a “barrier” against those who would rekindle sectarian strife. […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula executed a man at dawn today in the city of Al Shajar in Hadramout province. AQAP accused the man of being an “American spy” and displayed his body hanging from a pole at a soccer field. The government is prosecuting an AQAP leader for targeting security personnel.

AQAP executes “American Spy”

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula executed one of its members in Yemen, accusing the man of cooperating with the Americans in targeting AQAP operatives.


Opening the 10th legislative session, the Sultan of Brunei said the country’s imminent implementation of sharia law is a “great achievement” and citizens should show unity. The law ostensibly will apply only to Muslims, who make up two-thirds of Brunei’s population. The chief sharia judge said that in most cases, the parties do not understand […]


French and Malian forces killed 10 terrorists from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb yesterday during an operation in the Amettetaï valley of the Adrar des Ifoghas mountains. The militants were discovered by a Reaper drone. The terrorists, who had rocket launchers, may have been among those who fired at French helicopters near Tessalit on […]


Saadi Gaddafi, a son of the former dictator, was extradited from Niger to Libya. A professed Salafist, he is suspected of organizing protests in Libya and the seizure of the Tamenhint airport in Sebha. His brother Saif is being held by a militia in Zintan which refuses to hand him over to the government. The […]

Head of al Qaeda ‘Victory Committee’ in Syria

Sanafi al Nasr heads al Qaeda’s “Victory Committee” and has relocated to Syria. He has become a vocal critic of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS) and has been allied with ISIS’ main jihadist rivals, including the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria.

United States

The State Department issued an order restricting the movements of Syria’s UN representative, Bashar Ja’afari, to a 25-mile radius of New York City; similar restrictions are in place for Iranian and North Korean envoys. US officials pushed for vigilance over Syria’s compliance on the eradication of its chemical weapons. The US military warned Americans of […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 16 people, including eight policemen and soldiers, in a series of bombings in Baghdad. An ISIS suicide bomber killed three security personnel in Ramadi. Security forces killed five ISIS fighters in Ramadi and two “terrorists” in Mosul.


The US accidentally killed five Afghan soldiers during an airstrike in Logar province. The Taliban killed two people in a pressure-cooker IED attack in Faryab. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained a “judge” in Sar-i-Pul.


A new UN report accuses the Assad regime of using siege tactics against civilians and deplores the “absolute impunity that pervades the conflict,” in which both sides are guilty of massacres and other crimes. Paulo Pinheiro, the head of the UN inquiry committee on Syria, said it was “likely” that the perpetrators of the Aug. […]


The US killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including Ali Juraym, a commander who fought in Iraq, in a drone strike an Al Jawf province. AQAP nearly assassinated the commander of the Second Armored Brigade in an attack in Shabwa province.


Three rockets were fired into the Bekaa valley village of Nabi Shayth, a Hezbollah stronghold; the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon claimed the attack as revenge for Hezbollah’s actions in Syria and threatened “unique operations” against it in the future. Syrian jets dropped bombs near an army checkpoint in Arsal. A suspected arsonist started a […]


The army said operations in North Sinai resulted in the deaths of 10 militants. Unidentified gunmen fired on a non-commissioned police officer in Beni Suef. An IED exploded overnight in District 7 of 6 October City, while a homemade bomb went off near a courts complex in Qena. A bomb struck a reserve gas pipeline […]


Israeli naval forces intercepted a cargo vessel near Port Sudan that was carrying a weapons shipment from Iran destined for Gaza. The IDF said it struck two Hezbollah operatives who were trying to plant explosives along the border with Syria. Foreign Minister Lieberman said Israel will not accept further preconditions to continue talks with the […]


Last night in Kidal, a sniper fired at police on a regular patrol, and an MNLA member was wounded allegedly by two jihadists on a motorcycle who fired at both the patrol and the MNLA; the MNLA blamed security forces for the incident. The al Murabitoon Brigade, a merger of Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s forces and the […]


The kidnapped son of a Benghazi special forces commander was released after a month of captivity. The GNC is still considering whether to sack Prime Minister Zeidan, but no candidates to replace him have been named. Last week, a Libyan Cabinet member made a rare admission that radical Islamist groups are behind the continuing violence […]