Monthly Archives: March 2014


As the last 100 Canadian soldiers prepared to return home from Afghanistan, Prime Minister Harper hailed the military’s efforts there, where over 40,000 Canadian troops served and 162 were killed. The government spent $1.65 billion on development projects in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2013, and plans to continue to help build the Afghan economy.


Regime and Hezbollah fighters continued to try to wrest the strategic town of Yabroud from rebel forces, including the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front fought against regime forces in Hama; in Aleppo, where they are besieging the central prison; […]


The army claimed that tightened security measures in recent weeks have resulted in a reduction in car bombings. During clashes in Tripoli between supporters and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria, two people were killed and 18 others were injured. The father of a recently kidnapped 10-year-old boy urged authorities to arrest the suspects, […]


Security forces killed 24 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Anbar province. The ISIS killed a regiment commander in Anbar, three soldiers in Ramadi, two soldiers in Mosul, an intelligence officer and his driver in Baqubah, and four civilians in a car bombing that collapsed a bridge in Rawa.


The US killed a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and his bodyguard in a drone strike yesterday in Al Jawf. Six Shia Houthi rebels and two soldiers were killed during clashes just outside of Sana’a. Human Rights Watch said the military used excessive force during recent protests in Aden that resulted in […]


Rockets and mortars from Gaza continued to strike southern Israel. In response to the rocket fire, the IAF struck seven terror sites in Gaza. Israeli officials said that no truce with Palestinian Islamic Jihad had been instituted and that quiet would be met with quiet.


Unidentified gunmen killed at least one person and injured three others in an attack on a bus transporting security personnel in Cairo. The army spokesman blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for the attack. Masked gunmen also carried out an attack against security personnel in el Arish. Two members of the Muslim Brotherhood were reportedly arrested in […]


North Korea denies role in tanker loaded with crude at rebel-held Libya port


Interior Minister Majali said that terrorism presents the greatest threat to the Arab world, and urged his Arab counterparts to cooperate on the issue. Parliament’s lower house sought to expel the Israeli ambassador and recall Jordan’s envoy to Tel Aviv in protest against the killing of a Jordanian judge last week, and voted for the […]


The Libyan jihadist group Martyrs Brigades released a video showing its execution of a Free Syrian Army official in Libya in retaliation for the FSA’s fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The North Korean-flagged tanker that illegally took on oil evaded the Libyan Navy and was seen off the coast of […]


Gunmen killed over 90 people during attacks on several villages in Katsina state and set homes on fire. The attacks were blamed on Fulani herdsmen; the police chief insisted that the attackers were not Boko Haram. President Jonathan was visiting Katsina at the time of the attacks. Police rescued one of President Jonathan’s uncles from […]

United States

Maj. Gen. Joseph Dunford, the head of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, told the Senate that al Qaeda is “in survival mode” in Afghanistan and argued for a residual NATO force of 8,000 to 12,000 troops in the country after 2014. He also warned that under the “zero option,” the Taliban would retake Afghanistan, […]


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Deir Izzour, in Idlib, and in Aleppo. The Islamic Front battled regime forces in various towns in Reef Dimashq, including around Yabroud. Syria plans to close its embassies in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait because those countries have refused to accredit the Syrian […]


A Pentagon official expressed concern over the rising risk of terrorist attacks on Lebanese state and military targets. The army searched a Syrian refugee camp in Al-Marj in the Bekaa valley for explosives, weapons, and wanted Syrian fugitives. Foreign Minister Bassil asked for Turkey’s help in locating two Syrian bishops kidnapped in April and Samir […]


Dozens of rockets were fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza towards Israel. In response, the IAF carried out more than two dozen airstrikes in Gaza. The Shin Bet announced the arrest of a man, believed to be linked to Hamas, behind a spate of gas line attacks in the Jerusalem area. A new comptroller report […]


The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of a terror cell in Dakahlia. The North Sinai security director said attempts to turn the Sinai into an Islamic emirate have been thwarted. The army spokesman said seven militants were killed in the latest operations in North Sinai and that security forces have destroyed 1,370 smuggling tunnels near […]


The Interior Ministry said three people were arrested over the weekend for assisting a terrorist group in the mountains of Jendouba. President Marzouki ended the three-year state of emergency on March 5; Prime Minister Jomaa has announced new coordination on counterterrorism between army, National Guard, and security units, but warned of the continuing threat posed […]


Recent French military operations have killed a number of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters, including Redouan Abou el Achbal a.k.a. Aboubakr Benabdellah, an Algerian who was a top operative in Timbuktu and Kidal; and Mauritanians Oumar Ould Mohamed Ghoulam a.k.a. Al Ghallawi and Mohamedou Khoubeib, who were killed in Timbuktu. A Malian military […]