Monthly Archives: March 2014

United States

The US has delivered 100 Hellfire missiles, as well as assault rifles and ammunition, to Iraq this month to support its fight against the al Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham; the US is promising to send more weapons in the coming weeks. The Pentagon denied reports that an American drone had been […]


A Malaysian official said that MA flight MH370, which crashed into the ocean on March 8 with 239 people on board, was hijacked and that its communications systems had been deliberately turned off hours before it disappeared. A criminal investigation has been opened.


Pro-regime Sunni fighters in Aleppo defy sectarian narrative


The Ministry of Defense said that four Afghan soldiers aided the Taliban in the Feb. 23 attack in Kunar that killed 21 soldiers. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters during operations in Faryab, Ghor, Logar, and Zabul. In his last address to Parliament, President Karzai said that US troops should leave Afghanistan.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 19 people in multiple bombings in Baghdad. A suicide bomber killed four civilians in Tikrit. Security forces killed four ISIS fighters in Fallujah and two “snipers” in Baghdad.


Regime forces conducted 15 air raids on Yabroud and entered eastern parts of the strategic city; some of the rebels have fled south to Rankos, but others, including the Al Nusrah Front, have remained in the city. Abu Azzam al-Kuwaiti, the Al Nusrah deputy for Qalamoun, was killed yesterday on the outskirts of Yabroud; he […]


In Tripoli, 10 people have been killed and 50 wounded in clashes between supporters and opponents of the Assad regime. The army seized bombs and ammunition from a car at a checkpoint in the northern town of Shadra. Rockets fired from Syria hit the towns of Nabi Uthman and Labweh in Hezbollah-dominated areas of east […]

Al Qaeda

Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane


Six soldiers were killed when unidentified gunmen opened fire on a checkpoint in the Cairo area. The army spokesman blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for the attack. Ansar Jerusalem confirmed the death of two of its members, including a founder. The Egyptian military is reportedly planning to launch a major offensive against militants in North Sinai.


In Derna, gunmen fatally shot four Islamists, and would-be robbers murdered two Derna bank employees. In Benghazi, two security officials were killed over the past two days, and a health official was murdered on March 13. Former prime minister Ali Zeidan called his ouster by the GNC invalid. Saudi authorities said Libyan Brotherhood members will […]


The military claimed to have killed 207 Boko Haram fighters after the terror group attacked a detention center at a military base in Maiduguri and freed “dozens” of militants. Sources claimed that security forces managed to capture at least 50 escaping Boko Haram militants, including Arabs, Malians, and Chadians. At least four civilians, as well […]

Review board rules against Guantanamo detainee

Earlier this month, a review board responsible for evaluating the status of Guantanamo detainees determined that a Yemeni held in Cuba since early 2002 should remain in custody. According to a leaked threat assessment, the detainee was slated to be a hijacker on 9/11 before al Qaeda canceled his part of the operation.


In a joint operation, Spanish and Moroccan authorities targeting an al Qaeda recruiting network arrested four suspected members in Spain and three in Morocco. The network, whose activities extend to Morocco, Belgium, France, Tunisia, Turkey, Libya, Mali, Indonesia, and Syria, is headed by Melilla resident Mustafa Maya Amaya, who funneled recruits to the Islamic State […]


The Syrian army backed by Hezbollah advanced closer to Yabroud, taking the hill of Aqaba, 2 km from the city, battling the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and the Islamic Front. The ISIS has withdrawn from Idlib and Latakia, and has retreated to eastern Reef Aleppo and Raqqah; the […]


The Israeli army hit a Hezbollah position on the Lebanese border, in retaliation for a bomb attack targeting Israeli soldiers inside occupied territory at the border. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham claimed the attack, however, saying it was against the “Zionist army unit,” in its first claim for attacks against Israel. Hezbollah […]


An explosive device detonated along the border with Lebanon. At least three soldiers were taken to a hospital for screenings. A senior official said Hezbollah would pay for the border attack. The IDF struck at least one target linked to Hezbollah in response. At least one rocket landed in southern Israel as a truce with […]


A knife incident between two Uighur vendors in Changsha left six people dead. The government suspects that Uighurs were involved in the Kunming knife attacks on March 1 in which 29 people were killed. Authorities have detained a human rights activist and three citizen journalists for reporting on a self-immolation in Tienanmen Square.

United States

The US military announced the repatriation of Ahmed Bin Saleh Bel Bacha, an Algerian detainee at Guantanamo who attended Abu Hamza’s radical Finsbury Park mosque in the UK before fighting in Afghanistan for al Qaeda. A parole board review concluded that Yemeni detainee Abdel Malik al-Rahabi, a former bodyguard for Osama bin Laden and an […]