
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham has taken over the Halek district of Aleppo city after pulling out of Azaz following an ultimatum from the Al Nusrah Front. In Hasakah, Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front seized much of Markada after clashing with ISIS. In Deir Izzour, Al Nusrah and the Ahrar al Sham killed a number of ISIS fighters near al-Teref, and the Islamic Front fought against regime forces in Al-Sena’a, Al-Jafra, and near the military airport. Extremist cleric Abu Qatada indirectly blamed ISIS for the assassination of al Qaeda mediator Abu Khalid al Suri, and criticized the ISIS plan to tax Christians in Raqqah. The ISIS denied accusations that it had ordered the killing of al Suri and that it had called al Qaeda leaders and the Taliban “infidels.”



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
