
In a complaint to the UN, Syria accused the Turkish military of allowing and providing cover for the Al Nusrah Front and the Ahrar al Sham brigade to attack Syrian forces from Turkish territory near Kasab. Interior Minister Ala said two Albanians and a Kosovan who killed a gendarme and a policeman at a checkpoint in Niğde on March 20 were possibly members of al Qaeda or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham; the attackers, who entered from Syria, had grenades and weapons. Turkey recently threatened to retaliate if harm came to the tomb of Süleyman Şah in northern Syria, where ISIS and rebel groups have clashed. A police report said the explosive PETN was detected at the site of an ammunition dump blast in Afyonkarahisar that killed 25 soldiers in 2012.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
