
As many as 500 protesters denouncing lack of security in Benghazi, Derna, and Sirte torched cars at the GNC last night, calling for the GNC to resign. In separate attacks in Benghazi, a special forces member was killed in a car bombing, a Coptic Christian was shot, and a former security official was wounded. The bodies of four alleged Ansar al Sharia members who had fought in Syria were found on a road linking Benghazi’s Benina airport to Al-Abyar; the bodies of two more men were found in Benghazi and Jarutha. Sirte officials, reportedly under pressure from Ansar al Sharia, ordered schoolgirls to wear the hijab. The head of the elections commission said 13 of 60 seats on the Constitutional Committee remain unfilled; he then resigned, citing the government’s failure to provide election security.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
