
The Islamic Front, led by Ahrar al Sham, and the Al Nusrah Front, jointly assaulted Aleppo Central Prison, reportedly freeing hundreds of detainees. The Islamic Front and Al Nusrah had announced the operation called “Truthful Promise Approaches” in Aleppo. The battle of “Fak Al-A’ani” to liberate the prison started with an Al Nusrah suicide bombing that killed at least eight regime soldiers; some 16 Al Nusrah fighters have been killed, including Chechen commander Saifullah Shishani, head of the Al-Khilafa army and leader of the operation. Rebels are now said to control at least part of the prison. Regime forces battled Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions in Hama. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with Islamic battalions and rebels in Al-Ra’ii, Al-Ka’aiba, Jibal Al-Hamam, and near Menbj city in Aleppo. The head of the Syrian National Coalition said its forces will soon receive advanced weapons to aid in its fight against the ISIS as well as against the Assad regime. State media said the regime has agreed to allow the evacuation of “innocent” civilians from the besieged city of Homs and the supply of humanitarian aid to those civilians who choose to remain in Homs.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
