
In Aleppo, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fought against Islamic battalions; and in the village of Aziz, Islamic battalions beheaded six regime soldiers and left their heads as “a gift to” the head of regime military operations in Aleppo. The ISIS clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and Ahrar al Sham in Deir Izzour, and with Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions in Hasaka. Regime forces battled Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions in Reef Dimashq. The Assad regime denounced an EU plan to use frozen regime assets to fund the removal of Syria’s chemical weapons. The Syrian opposition recommended the formation of a transitional body to oversee a UN-monitored ceasefire and the expulsion of foreign fighters. Al Nusrah released video of a Jan. 27 suicide bombing in Hama. A group of European ISIS supporters asked Al Nusrah to stop attacking ISIS and join with it.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
