
The Al Nusrah Front and Ahrar al Sham killed Abu Dajana, a Libyan who commanded Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham forces in Deir Izzour. Al Nusrah accused ISIS of commandeering Nusrah’s resources in Deir Izzour, including the Koniko oil fields; stealing $5 million; refusing to submit to sharia court resolution; and taking over its checkpoints in Hasakah. Al Nusrah also claimed that its forces remain widespread across Syria and urged ISIS to stop its “useless” internecine fight and focus on fighting the enemy. Ahrar al Sham denounced ISIS and abolished agreements to cooperate in Hasakah, following the discovery that ISIS authorities in Deir Ezzour, Raqqah, and Hasakah were preparing a fatwa against the Islamic Front. Rebel and Islamic battalions clashed with ISIS in Idlib, and in Aleppo. Al Nusrah and Ahrar al Sham battled ISIS in Raqqah. Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions pulled back in Hama. A UN aid convoy was attacked while delivering supplies in Homs.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
