
Saudi Arabia will soon supply MANPADS and antiaircraft missiles to the Free Syrian Army from warehouses in Jordan and Turkey. The US is said to have already paid $3 million in salaries for fighters from the FSA’s Southern Front, which is headed by Bashar al-Zoubi. The second round of Geneva II talks ended in an impasse. Islamic battalions mined tunnels under a hotel serving as a base for regime forces in Aleppo, killing five soldiers. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with Islamic battalions in Aleppo, killing 17 of the latter. A suicide car bombing near a mosque in Deraa killed at least 18 people. Islamic battalions fought against regime forces in Idlib. Gunmen killed three ISIS fighters in Raqqah. The Al Nusrah Front and Islamic battalions battled regime and Hezbollah forces in Reef Dimashq.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
