
The first UN report on the fate of children in Syria over the past two years details “unspeakable” abuses, including torture by government forces and the use of child soldiers by the opposition. Turkey has reportedly refused entry to some 2,000 refugees, mainly women and children, who have fled clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Raqqah city. ISIS issued an apology for injury to civilians and an appeal to civilians in Raqqah to seek justice in sharia court; the group also urged its fighters to treat people decently. The Al Nusrah Front and Islamic battalions killed at least 12 regime soldiers near Al-Dohor military airport in Idlib. An ISIS suicide bomber detonated at an Islamic battalion base in Al-Miaden city in Aleppo. Regime barrel bombs continued to fall in Aleppo, Islamic battalions targeted regime forces in the city, and regime forces areas near Kweres Military airport, which is controlled by ISIS. Russia’s deputy foreign minister said Syria announced plans to send a large shipment of its chemical arms out of the country in February and to have completed the process by March 1.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
