Monthly Archives: February 2014


Regime forces and rebels agreed to several local truces in Damascus. Regime forces recaptured Maan, a village in Hama where at least 25 Alawites were killed by Islamist fighters on Feb. 9. Islamist and rebel fighters clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Aleppo, and with regime forces in Homs. In […]


Pakistan militant resurfaces, ignites Indian fears of attacks


A military judge ordered the arrest of four Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham militants for membership in the al Qaeda-linked group and planning attacks in Lebanon. Three of the men are in custody and the fourth, Omar al-Satem, an uncle of the suicide bomber who detonated in Beirut on Jan. 2, is an […]


Security forces recaptured Mohammed Ali al Awami, one of 29 prisoners, including 19 al Qaeda operatives, who were freed during last week’s prison break. AQAP launched a complex suicide assault on the central prison in Sana’a to to free the inmates.


Sinai blast puts hold on Korean Christian pilgrimage


Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the bombing of a tourist bus in Taba yesterday. The army spokesman said security forces have destroyed 1,275 smuggling tunnels in the Rafah area in recent months. He also said security forces had killed three Islamist militants in North Sinai.


In response to Ethiopian forces crossing into Bakool region, Shabaab forces have begun to pull out of the region’s capital of Hudur. Somali troops lost the towns of Gandarshe and Jilib Marka in Lower Shabelle to Shabaab militants after controlling the towns for less than a week. The Somali government has denied UN allegations of […]


Wreckage from an Air Force helicopter that crashed last week with five people aboard was found near Essider; the cause of the crash has not been determined. A remotely-detonated bomb inflicted heavy damage on the Scouts and Guides building in Benghazi.


After a wave of attacks by Boko Haram, the federal government has deployed more troops and relief material to the northeast. The current governor of Borno said Nigeria is in a state of war against Boko Haram; his predecessor accused government officials of being behind some of the attacks.


A Boko Haram cell planning attacks on Nigerien towns was arrested in Diffa. Although Niger still refuses to hand over Al-Saadi Gadhafi, a former high-ranking intelligence official in the Gadhafi regime has been extradited to Libya.


Germany’s domestic intelligence agency is said to have curtailed operations with Turkey over suspicions that Turkish intelligence was involved the murder of three female Kurdistan Workers’ Party activists in Paris in January 2013. At the time of their deaths, two of the slain women were being investigated by German authorities for links to the PKK.


Security forces killed 12 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Ramadi, four more fighters in Baghdad, and the group’s military commander for Ramadi and the emir for Sulaiman Beg. The ISIS killed two policemen near Ramadi, a government official in Ninewa, and a policeman in Mosul. An official said that security forces […]


The Supreme Military Council replaced head Salim Idriss with Brigadier Abdullah al-Bashir, citing “the difficulties faced by the Syrian revolution.” An activist group said about 6,000 people have died in Syria since the Geneva II talks started, the highest daily toll in the conflict so far. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of […]


The head of Hezbollah said the group intends to keep fighting in Syria. Two of three women arrested this week in an explosives-rigged car in the Bekaa valley were released; driver Joumana Hmeid was detained. Security forces near the Baalbek village of Ham dismantled a car rigged with 240 kg of explosives; authorities said the […]


At least three people were killed when an explosion struck a tourist bus in the town of Taba in the Sinai. The cause of the attack, which has thus far gone unclaimed, has yet to be determined. Following the attack, cars traveling from South Sinai to North Sinai were searched by security forces.


The Financial Action Task Force said Turkey is the only NATO country to have a “gray” rating, due to concerns over Turkey’s system for identifying and freezing terrorist assets pursuant to UN Security Council resolutions. The Foreign Ministry said it is in fact making efforts to provide budget support to Somalia in 2014. A previously […]