
The army said it has not been ordered to move against forces blockading the eastern oil ports. Qaqaa Brigade commander Abu Othman Milaiqtah set off gunfire in front of the Congress building because he had to wait for a meeting with President Abu Sahmain. Foreign Minister Abdelaziz announced the destruction of all of Libya’s usable chemical weapons, including 517 artillery projectiles, eight mustard gas bombs, and 45 bomb components. Libya still needs to destroy its Category 2 chemical precursor agents; the deadline is December 2016. In Benghazi, a TV station was hit by an explosion; a bombing at a school injured 12 children; gunmen attacked a hospital yesterday, injuring several patients; an official escaped an assassination attempt in Gwarsha; and Salafist sheikh Rafah Abdullah Al-Hadar was shot and seriously wounded. Niger called for a Western intervention against terrorists in southern Libya.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
