United States

US officials said the State Department is expected to designate Ansar al Sharia branches in Tunisia and in Derna and Benghazi in Libya as foreign terrorist organizations; Derna branch leader Abu Sufian bin Qumu is expected to be designated as a global terrorist, along with militia leaders Ahmed Abu Khattala and Seif Allah bin Hassine. Qumu and associates are suspected in the attack on the US mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. The US is also reportedly seeking extremist Faraj al Chalabi, who may have fled Libya. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates claimed that President Obama lacked faith in his own Afghan war strategy. The US is sending 800 soldiers and 40 tanks to South Korea next month. US officials said they are in talks with Iraq about training elite Iraqi forces in a third country.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
