Yearly Archives: 2013

Al Qaeda

United Kingdom – How many more times can the Foreign Office get it so wrong?


Hamas, Israel develop unwritten understanding for coexistence


Police and military forces have been deployed in Tripoli to secure petrol stations, after 10 of them were vandalized and forced to close. A severed head was found in Benghazi, said to be that of the father of a senior Benghazi security official; the father was kidnapped weeks ago. The station manager for the state […]


The government is becoming increasingly concerned about the flow of German jihadists to Syria; they are now said to number in the low hundreds. Demand for residence permits from former Afghan employees of the German military is rising, following the Taliban’s recent murder of a former interpreter. Of the 1,500 Afghans who were employed by […]

United Kingdom

British citizens Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, both Muslim converts, were found guilty of murdering a British soldier in Woolwich; they were not convicted on charges of attempting to murder a policeman. Prior to the murder, Adebolajo was known to authorities as an extremist; he had been radicalized by the outlawed group Al-Muhajiroun and arrested […]

United States

The US added three of Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s West African brigades to its lists of terrorist organizations: the al-Mulathameen Brigade, the al Mua’qi’oon Biddam [the Those Who Sign in Blood Brigade], and the al-Murabitoon Brigade. The US also added added Usamah Amin al Shihabi, the head of the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon, to the list […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 11 people, including three Pakistani pilgrims, in suicide bombings and armed attacks; ISIS suicide bombers killed six people in Khalis and two policemen in Ramadi. Yesterday, the ISIS killed two Awakening fighters in an IED attack in Kirkuk. Security forces captured seven ISIS fighters in Ninewa.


Parliament Speaker Berri warned that terrorist groups are seeking to “turn Lebanon into an arena for jihad.” President Sleiman condemned recent terror attacks in Lebanon and vowed to arrest those behind them, including the masterminds. Six rockets launched from Syria hit the city of Hermel yesterday, wounding two soldiers and a civilian. The rocket attacks […]


US Ambassador Robert Ford said the Islamic Front flatly turned down the US’ request for talks; Ford added that the US is “ready to sit with them because we talk to all parties and political groups in Syria.” The Assad regime called the US offer “reprehensible” as the Islamic Front “agrees in principle, strategy, and […]


Former president Mohammed Morsi and 35 others were charged with conspiring with foreign groups, including Hamas and Hezbollah, to conduct terror attacks in Egypt. The public prosecutor also accused the Muslim Brotherhood of carrying out attacks in North Sinai against security personnel since Morsi’s ouster. Defense Minister el Sisi met with some Sinai-based leaders, while […]

Palestinian Territories

The lead Palestinian negotiators said talks with Israel could continue past April if a framework agreement is put in place. Unidentified gunmen fired towards the office of Palestinian Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs Mahmoud al Habash. Hamas officials denied charges that they conspired with former Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi.


The Afghan Army cut a peace deal with the Taliban in the Sangin district in Helmand, and turned over several checkpoints to the jihadists. Three Taliban suicide bombers were killed in an assault on a NATO supply base at the Torkham crossing in Nangarhar.


Have Afghan forces intentionally surrendered turf in Sangin to the Taliban?

South Sudan

Soldiers loyal to President Kiir fled Jonglei state after an attack by mutinying forces. Wanted opposition leader Riek Machar denied he tried to stage a coup, and accused Kiir of seeking to purge dissenters.


Shabaab has denied involvement in a recent attack that killed three Syrian doctors and three of their Somali counterparts. Somali forces will no longer decline to search foreigners, specifically Westerners and Caucasians, during security checks.


The US ambassador denied the existence of any US military bases in Tunisia, but said al Qaeda-linked groups such as Ansar al Sharia continue to threaten Tunisia. At a gathering yesterday in Sidi Bouzid marking the third anniversary of the start of the Tunisian revolution, the outlawed group Ansar al Sharia and an allied organization, […]