Yearly Archives: 2013


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 37 Iraqis in attacks that targeted Christians in Baghdad. More than 900 Awakening fighters in Anbar province volunteered to fight alongside the Iraqi military against the ISIS.


The Muslim Brotherhood was declared to be a terrorist organization by the interim government. Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the Dec. 24 suicide bombing in Mansoura that killed more than a dozen. The army spokesman said authorities thwarted a plot, allegedly involving a Hamas member, to target a security post in Sinai. Authorities reportedly arrested […]


A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed in southern Israel, as authorities deployed an Iron Dome missile defense system near Sderot. Defense Minister Ya’alon said the increase in attacks recently is a response to ongoing peace talks with the Palestinians. Senior Israeli official Yitzhak Molcho recently met with a senior Egyptian official in Europe.


Egypt designates Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group

Al Qaeda

Kidnapped American asks U.S. to negotiate with al-Qaeda for his release


Yemeni officials deride hypocrisy of al-Qaeda ‘lone wolf’ claim


A government official claimed seven Shabaab fighters and one Somali soldier were killed during clashes in the Garbaharey district in Gedo. Soldiers from Burundi reportedly detained dozens of Somalis during house to house searches in Mogadishu.

United States

US military officials said 150 Marines and a complement of Ospreys and KC-130s are being moved from Spain to the Horn of Africa in light of increasing tensions in South Sudan, in addition to the 45 members of a military rapid response team deployed to the region last week. The US is backing an urgent […]


Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters during operations in Laghman, Wardak, Kandahar, and Farah provinces. The Taliban killed a policeman in an IED attack in Kunar.


In response to a sniper attack from Gaza that killed one Israeli civilian, the Israeli Air Force struck a number of terror sites in the Gaza Strip. Defense Minister Ya’alon said that if there is no peace in Israel then there will be no peace in Gaza. Israeli officials said they are working with their […]


At least 12 people were killed and more than 100 injured in a bombing at a security building in Mansoura. The Interior Ministry said preliminary investigations suggested the attack was a suicide car bombing. Mansoura residents attacked property linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, while political bodies blamed the Brotherhood for the attack. Overnight a roadside […]


Egyptian Christians living in fear of kidnap and torture


Exclusive: Assad’s secret oil lifeline: Iraqi crude from Egypt


The army claimed it killed at least 50 Boko Haram members fleeing towards Cameroon yesterday and destroyed over 20 of the group’s vehicles; 15 soldiers and five civilians are also said to have been killed in the clash. The army chief of staff testified that eight “squatters” killed by soldiers in Apo three months ago […]

Bombing in Mansoura leaves at least 12 dead, 130 injured

The attack comes a day after Ansar Jerusalem said its fighters were prepared to “do jihad against” members of the security forces who do not repent and leave their positions. The number of wounded is the highest in a single attack since the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi in early July.


The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south and kidnapped three construction workers in Farah. Security forces captured three would-be suicide bombers in Laghman and defused 65 bombs in Kandahar.


Regime barrel bombing continued in Aleppo, killing 13 more civilians; barrel bombs were also dropped in the border city of Azaz, killing 15 people. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and other Islamist forces battled regime troops in Aleppo, and rockets were fired by rebels at the Palace of […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five television employees, including an anchorwoman, in a suicide assault on Al Iraqiya State TV in Tikrit. The ISIS also killed five soldiers in a mortar attack in Abu Ghraib and two policemen in an IED attack in Mosul. Security forces killed two ISIS fighters in […]

Palestinian Territories

A rocket fired by Palestinian militants struck in southern Israel, and an Israeli police officer was stabbed near Ramallah. A senior Hamas official said that it is only a matter of time before the start of the third Intifada. Two people were injured by an explosion at a military site in Gaza.


The army spokesman said operations in North Sinai in recent months had resulted in the death of 184 terrorists, a quarter of whom were said to be foreigners. The spokesman further said that 803 people had been arrested as part of the operations in North Sinai. Ansar Jerusalem called on members of the security forces […]