Yearly Archives: 2013

Afghan intel captures 2 IMU fighters in Kabul

IMU-Pak-training-camp-SITE.jpgThe Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters trained in Pakistan’s Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan and were involved in recent fighting in the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan.


The Islamic State of Iraq killed 13 people, including three soldiers, four policemen, and an Awakening commander, in attacks in Mosul, Kirkuk, Fallujah, and Baghdad. The death toll in Iraq has surpassed 5,500 for this year. Security forces captured five al Qaeda fighters in Ninewa.


US intelligence suggests Syria may hide some chemical weapons


The US and Russia failed to agree on a date for peace talks. The OPCW said it prefers shipping Syria’s chemical weapons outside the country for destruction. The Al Nusrah Front and 10 other battalions are launching an offensive to take over a scientific research center in Aleppo. The Islamic State of Iraq and the […]


Insecurity in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province restricts voter registration teams


A judge charged Ali Eid, the leader of the pro-Assad Arab Democratic Party, along with another party member, for helping a suspect wanted for the deadly Aug. 23 car bombings in Tripoli to escape into Syria. The judge also charged two other men, a Syrian and a Lebanese, in the case. Some of the 11 […]


Iraq attacks kill 13 people, as 2013 toll tops 5,500


Exclusive: Syria chemical weapons mission funded only through this month


A top official in MINUSMA, the UN’s peacekeeping force in Mali, warned that there is no rule of law in Kidal, armed groups have not been disarmed, and the MINUSMA force is only at half strength. The al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine and its commander Iyad Ag Ghaly have resurfaced. A French officer commanding joint French […]


Defense minister Al-Thini said a new military governor is being appointed for Benghazi and that the Benghazi Joint Security Room has been reorganized. Congress voted to disband the Libyan Revolutionaries’ Operations Room, which had briefly kidnapped Prime Minister Zeidan last month. Last week the BJSR reported that some 400 armed vehicles with LROR members had […]

Al Qaeda

Islamist rebels in Syria use faces of the dead to lure the living


Afghan security officials claimed that police and army units killed 17 Taliban fighters during operations. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier on Nov. 3. President Karzai denounced the US’ killing of Pakistani Taliban emir Hakeemullah Mehsud.


Tens of thousands of protesters gathered outside the former US Embassy in Tehran on the 34th anniversary of its seizure, chanting “Death to America,” in the largest such gathering in years. President Rouhani said he was “not optimistic” about negotiations with the West on Iran’s nuclear program, and Supreme Leader Khamenei said, “No one should […]


As US withdraws from Afghanistan, poppy trade it spent billions fighting still flourishes


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed 12 people and wounded more than 30 in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Hawijah, Taji, and Mosul. In the Hawijah attack, a pair of suicide bombers killed two policemen outside the gate of a police station.


A senior Revolutionary Guards commander was killed near Damascus. A truck bomb in a Shiite village in Homs killed seven civilians and injured at least 40 more. Regime forces in Homs clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, al-Khadra’ battalion, and Maghaweer Baba Amr in the Mahin area. […]


US officials offer few concessions on NSA spying to privacy board


Somalia’s future relies on an army that does not yet exist


A military officer was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Ismailia. The trial of former president Morsi began. Morsi said he believes he is the country’s legitimate president and refuses to be tried by the court. Security forces killed three Islamist militants trying to plant an explosive device in North Sinai.


Former spy: Kenya mall attack ‘could have been prevented’