Yearly Archives: 2013

Al Qaeda

Zubaydah diaries shed new light on Twin Towers and links to bin Laden


Insight: Revival of Islamists in Mali tests French, UN nerve


Five terrorists were killed in a clash with security forces near Debdeb on Nov. 12, and two terrorists from a Malian cell of Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s group were arrested in Borj Baji Mokhtar on Nov. 1 on their way to northern Mali. Algeria reaffirmed its commitment to a border security plan made in March 2012 in […]


A French priest was kidnapped by gunmen in Koza, near the Nigerian border. The suspected Boko Haram militants burst into the church, then marched the priest through the village and took him away with them on motorbikes in the direction of Nigeria.


Egypt’s secular parties hampered by disorganization, infighting


Mullah Fazlullah’s Rise to Chief of the Pakistani Taliban Complicates Islamabad’s Ties With Afghanistan

United States

The State Department designated the Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram and its splinter group Ansaru as global terrorist organizations. The White House is trying to thwart Congress’ plans to impose new Iran sanctions, in the hopes of securing a deal on the Iranian nuclear program. An appellate court upheld the terrorism convictions of Tarek Mehanna, […]


The Taliban killed three students in a bombing in Farah and an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in the south. The US transferred FOB Salerno in Khost to Afghan forces. The UN said the poppy harvest has increased by 36% since last year.


The head of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party claimed that Kurdish militias have killed some 3,000 Salafists. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham issued a call for all Muslims and factions to come to the front as the group lost many fighters in recent clashes in Aleppo, and threatened to disarm or take […]


Iran signed a pact yesterday with the IAEA giving it “managed access” to some of the country’s nuclear facilities, but not to its most sensitive sites, including the Parchin complex. President Rouhani transferred the work of the “modesty project,” which attempts to enforce Islamic dress codes on women, from the police to the Ministry of […]


In a rare public appearance, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah warned in Beirut that the failure to reach an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program would result in “war in the region.” A prosecutor denied defendant Ali Eid’s request to drop charges of aiding a car bombing suspect. Recent sectarian tensions in Tripoli have led to […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed 19 people in attacks near Tikrit and in Baqubah. In one attack, in Al Alam near Tikrit, a suicide bomber killed 10 people, including two policemen, at a checkpoint.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula vowed to back Salafists in the north who are battling Shia Houthi rebels, who are supported by Iran. A government-brokered cease fire between the Houthis and Salafists collapsed just one day after it was signed.


Somalia sees rise in militant defectors who can aid spy service, but some carry out attacks


The army arrested 11 extremists wanted in connection with recent attacks in the Sinai. The army announced the destruction and discovery of more smuggling tunnels near Rafah. Shootings by unidentified gunmen were reported in el Arish and Sheikh Zuweid. The Commander of the Second Field Army ordered the release of 120 people detained on suspicion […]


An IDF soldier was stabbed to death by a Palestinian on a bus in the northern Israeli city of Afula. An Israeli minister warned that proposed sanctions relief for Iran could be worth up to $40 billion. Prime Minister Netanyahu said that a bad deal over Iran’s nuclear program could lead to war.

Palestinian Territories

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the PA has evidence of Hamas involvement in the Sinai’s ongoing security situation. With regard to peace talks with Israel, Abbas announced that his negotiating team had resigned. An NGO accused Hamas of arresting and torturing Palestinians on political grounds in recent weeks. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad conducted […]

Al Qaeda

Exclusive: Abu Zubaydah wanted to ‘bring America to its knees’ after 9/11


To expand Khamenei’s grip on the economy, Iran stretched its laws


Two Americans kidnapped in the Gulf of Guinea have been freed and taken ashore in Nigeria. The pair were abducted from an American-flagged oil industry vessel off the Nigerian coast in October.


Ethiopian troops will join Kenyan and Ugandan troops in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). The Somali government welcomed the move and stressed the need for collaboration between the two neighboring countries.


Turkey asked NATO to extend the deployment of Patriot missiles along the Syrian border for another year, due to an ongoing “serious” threat. Six missile batteries, sent by Germany, the Netherlands, and the US, were installed early this year to protect against a possible attack from Syria.