Yearly Archives: 2013

United States

The US military flew two warplanes over an area of the East China Sea that is claimed by both Japan and China, in a routine exercise, defying a recent Chinese edict. A federal judge rejected claims by Osama bin Laden son-in-law Abu Ghaith that he was treated inhumanely by US officials after his arrest in […]


Twenty Taliban fighters and 10 policemen were killed during fighting in Nuristan. The Taliban killed six teachers in Faryab and six soldiers in IED attacks in Zabul, Logar, and Helmand.


Thirty-six Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings and attacks throughout Iraq. In one attack, a suicide bomber killed 11 people at a funeral in Abu Ghraib. Thirteen Iraqis who were executed were also found. Security forces repelled an attack on a border outpost in Anbar; one insurgent was killed and two more were […]


Authorities arrested a number of people tied to members of the Salafi jihadist cell killed by the IDF near Hebron. Israeli intelligence estimates that Israel’s current geostrategic position has improved in the past year. Five Israeli Arabs were charged for attacking an IDF base with firebombs. The IDF said Palestinian terror groups are continuing their […]


A court in Alexandria sentenced 14 alleged female Muslim Brotherhood members to prison for 11 years. During raids in North Sinai, the army seized a variety of weapons. The government reached an agreement with the EU for a €90 million aid package. The army released footage of some of the homes targeted in operations in […]

Palestinian Territories

Thousands of Palestinians attended the funeral of the three Salafi jihadists killed by the IDF near Hebron. A Palestinian Authority official said 22 Salafi jihadists have been arrested in the West Bank in recent weeks. A senior Hamas official slammed the Palestinian Authority for the ongoing energy crisis in the Gaza Strip.


New breed of radical Islamists in West Bank worries Israel, PA


The Assad regime said it would participate in the Jan. 22 peace talks in Geneva but would not “hand over power.” The head of the Free Syrian Army said it was not the right time for peace talks and asked for more arms and ammunition. The Chechen-led Emigrants’ Army swore allegiance to the Islamic State […]


Nun emerges as power broker and publicist in Syria; rebels condemn her as ‘Assad’s nun’


Interior Minister Güler denied allegations that police allowed a truck to unload nearly 1,000 warheads destined for Syria at a crossing checkpoint in Hatay near an al Qaeda camp. The government plans to turn a 5th century monastery in Istanbul into a mosque. Turkey joined Iran in calling for a ceasefire in Syria prior to […]

Al Qaeda

CIA turned some Guantanamo Bay prisoners into double agents against al Qaeda


A combined force of Djiboutian and Somali troops has reportedly retreated to Beledweyne after meeting heavy Shabaab resistance in Luuq-Jeelow and Baar Village. If true, this would be the first significant setback since AMISOM and Somali troops renewed their offensive in the area.


State Security Services (SSS) have been ordered to produce a Federal High Court order that allowed them to detain suspected Boko Haram cleric Muhammad Nazeef Yunus for another 45 days. The Army has recently acquired new arms and ammunition to help in the fight against Boko Haram.


Local security forces detained General Amadou Sanogo, the leader of the March 2012 military coup, for questioning. He is suspected of financial crimes and involvement in the deaths and disappearances of soldiers who resisted the coup last year.


NSA ‘collected details of online sexual activity’ of Islamist radicals


Authorities arrested 15 members of the banned Islamist militant group At-Takfir Wal-Hijra in east Moscow. The Interior Ministry said the cell was discovered during ongoing investigations into criminal activity, not terrorism; the al Qaeda-linked group was allegedly funding its activities through crime. A quantity of weapons and explosives was confiscated, including grenades, IEDs, handguns, and […]


The Geneva Agreement: Neither a “Historic Agreement” nor a “Historic Failure”


To support an African peacekeeping force, France will triple the amount of soldiers it has in CAR to over 1,000 for six months. France’s ambassador to the UN predicted that the intervention will probably be easier than the one in Mali. France also has a military presence in Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Chad, and Gabon.


Israel faces new power in West Bank: Growing Salafist group with Al-Qaida leanings