Yearly Archives: 2013


Analysis: Saudis have few options as they push tougher foreign policy


A suicide bomber killed four policemen and wounded 17 more in an attack on a police station in Wardak province. The Taliban killed five people in an IED attack in Helmand. President Karzai accused the US of withholding fuel and logistical support to Afghan military and police units.


A suicide bomber from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed at least 10 people in an attack at a funeral in Muqdadyah. The Iraqis were mourning a senior Sunni tribal leader who was killed the day prior.


Fighting between Houthis and Salafists in Damaj resulted in the deaths of more than 120 people. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula executed a senior military officer and his son in Al Qatan in Hadramout province.


The army claimed to have killed three Islamist militants and seized a variety of weaponry during operations in North Sinai. Security forces clashed with supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo. Authorities requested that INTERPOL help arrest Assem Abdel-Maged, a leading member of Gama’a al Islamiyya who has reportedly fled the country.

Palestinian Territories

The MSC in Jerusalem released a eulogy for three Salafi jihadists recently killed in the West Bank. A Palestinian Authority official said 20 Salafists have been arrested in the West Bank in recent days. A Hamas delegation headed by Khaled Meshal traveled to Malaysia.


The Al Nusrah Front killed at least five regime troops in a suicide car bombing at a police checkpoint near Nabuk. Regime aircraft dropped barrel bombs in rebel-held areas of Al Bab outside Aleppo, apparently targeting a rebel headquarters, and killed at least 20 people. A similar air raid in Al Bab yesterday killed at […]


A Tunis court has postponed until Jan. 28, 2014 the appeals trial of 20 persons suspected of involvement in the Sept. 14, 2012 attack on the US Embassy in Tunis. The prosecution and the defense had each appealed the May 28 decision to give the suspects two-year suspended sentences. The al Qaeda-linked group Ansar al […]


Authorities sent back 360 Egyptians with forged visas who landed in two flights at Misrata. The British Embassy temporarily suspended operations after the Zintani guards in its Tripoli building refused to relinquish their duties to Interior Ministry personnel. An Air Force officer was shot and killed in Benghazi while taking his young son to school. […]


Security forces killed a Taliban district governor and seven fighters in Herat, and killed four more fighters and captured five more in Wardak. The Pakistani military fired 38 missiles into Kunar.


Iran Nuclear Deal Raises Fears of Proliferation Among Arab States


Foreign Minister Zarif said Iran will never participate in talks with Israel. Iran’s ambassador to Turkey noted that cooperation has improved between the Iranian intelligence and security services and Turkey’s National Intelligence Organisation, and said Iran has offered to help Turkey mend ties with Syria.


The Al Nusrah Front and rebels clashed with regime forces in Maaloula in an attempt to retake the town. Al Nusrah and allied Islamist factions battled regime forces in al-Nabek in Reef Dimashq. Over 400 people have reportedly been killed during fighting in Syria since Nov. 28, many of them in Ghouta and Qalamoun. ISIS […]


The al Furqan Brigades claimed responsibility for a number of recent shooting attacks on Egyptian security personnel. Three Islamist militants were reportedly killed during operations in North Sinai. Authorities dispersed an authorized protest in Cairo. The army received a variety of weaponry from residents in the country’s western region, including Grad rockets. The committee working […]

Palestinian Territories

Senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk said Israel would regret a new operation against Hamas in Gaza. Palestinian Authority security forces reportedly detained two Hamas members in the West Bank. Due to economic constraints, Hamas said it has been forced to cancel and limit events for its 26th anniversary rallies in Gaza. A Hamas delegation […]


Police filed charges against one of two people accused of posting online threats against poet Yahya Hassan, who has criticized Islamist culture in Denmark. Six of 27 reported threats were investigated; charges against the other suspect were dropped.

United States

The US continued to reject China’s claim to disputed territory over the East China Sea, but urged US commercial airlines to comply with China’s demands for notification of any flights through its newly declared air defense zone. The US offered to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons aboard a ship at sea; a US naval vessel is […]


Disillusionment Grows Among Syrian Opposition as Fighting Drags On


The Taliban executed three suicide attacks: in Kabul, a member of parliament and his bodyguard were seriously wounded; in Helmand, three intelligence officers were killed; and in Kandahar, a child was killed in an attack on a US convoy. ISAF is investigating an airstrike in Helmand that killed a Taliban commander and a child.