
Authorities sent back 360 Egyptians with forged visas who landed in two flights at Misrata. The British Embassy temporarily suspended operations after the Zintani guards in its Tripoli building refused to relinquish their duties to Interior Ministry personnel. An Air Force officer was shot and killed in Benghazi while taking his young son to school. Three members of the Saiqa Special Forces brigade and a policeman were murdered in Benghazi on Nov. 29. About 50 inmates escaped from Sebha central prison during a jailbreak. Border guards in the eastern coastal city of Tobruk seized a car carrying 900 kilograms of explosives, including antitank mines, as it traveled west on a desert road; the driver was arrested. The second-largest foreign oil company in Libya has suspended onshore production due to the blockade of export terminals on the coast.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
