Monthly Archives: December 2013

United States

The US added two new terrorism charges against Osama bin Laden son-in-law Abu Ghaith. Balwinder Singh, of Reno, Nev., was arrested and charged with providing support to two terrorist organizations, Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) and Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF), which aim to establish an independent Sikh state in India. A federal judge ruled that Terry […]


Amnesty International released a report alleging that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham operates seven detention centers in Raqqah and Aleppo where civilians, including children, are flogged, tortured, and murdered. The rights group also called on Turkey to “prevent its territory being used by ISIS to bring in arms and recruits to Syria.” […]


Syria most dangerous country for media in 2013, 126 dead worldwide: INSI


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 14 people in IED attacks and shootings in Hawijah and Tuz Khurmatu. Yesterday, the ISIS killed three soldiers in an IED attack in Akashat in Anbar province. Security forces captured three Al Nusrah Front fighters in Ninewa as they crossed the border from Syria.


Syria’s Civil War Forces Doctors to Choose the Rebels or the Regime


Yemeni officials said that the Dec. 12 US drone strike that reportedly killed 15 civilians targeted Shawqi Ali Ahmad al Badani, a wanted mid-level leader in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander. Al Badani is said to be linked to the al Qaeda plot that resulted in the shut of US embassies and diplomatic […]


Egyptian security forces raided the village of al Mahdiya in North Sinai after a tip indicated that Ansar Jerusalem leaders were in the area. Major clashes ensued and at least two soldiers were killed along with three militants, according to the army spokesman. Sources said recently arrested Sinai militants had been found with weapons with […]


Suspected Shabaab militants killed two people and wounded four in Wajir. The wife of Shabaab-linked cleric Sheikh Aboud Rogo has told a court that police killed her husband.


Ethiopian authorities arrested five more suspects accused of plotting the failed Shabaab bomb attack during the country’s World Cup qualifying match against Nigeria in October. All of those arrested were Somali nationals.


Kabiru Umar, who plotted Boko Haram’s 2011 Christmas Day attack on a Catholic church in Niger state, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Boko Haram attacked another military base in Borno, this time in the town of Bama.

United Kingdom

Abdul-Hakim Belhaj, the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, lost his case against British officials whom he had accused of colluding in his rendition to Libya; now in Tripoli, he vowed to appeal. The BBC was criticized for giving lengthy air time to hate preacher Anjem Choudhary to discuss the verdict in the […]


Hamas is alive and kicking in the West Bank – but in remote control

United States

The US transferred two Sudanese detainees, Noor Uthman Muhammed and Ibrahim Othman Ibrahim Idris, from Guantanamo to Sudan. Both men are linked to al Qaeda; Idris, who swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden in the 1990s, was one of the first detainees at Guantanamo. The White House warned that President Obama would veto proposed new […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 46 people in suicide bombings and attacks throughout the country; in Yousifiyah a suicide bomber killed eight Shia pilgrims, and in Latifiyah, another suicide bomber killed 10 more Shia. In Abu Ghraib, ISIS fighters stormed the home of an Awakening leader, killing him and his family.


In what was said to be his first-ever media interview, Abu Mohammed al Julani, the leader of the Al Nusrah Front, claimed that his fighters have now won 70 percent of the battle, and that the conflict will soon be over. Julani said the group was fighting to establish an Islamic state under sharia in […]


An suicide bomber reportedly blew himself up near Cairo as he was trying to escape arrest. A police recruit was killed in Port Said when unidentified gunmen opened fire on security forces. At least six Sinai Bedouin have been killed by unidentified gunmen in the past two days. A militant recently killed in Ismailia was […]


Israeli officials said Egyptian military operations in North Sinai will continue for at least the next several months. Two Palestinians were killed during overnight clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank. President Peres said the world must continue to pressure Iran. Foreign Minister Lieberman said Israel is serious about reaching an agreement with the […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh invited Mahmoud Abbas to a meeting to discuss the formation of a unity government. Abbas reportedly sent President Obama a personal letter noting his displeasure with the current status of negotiations with Israel. In response to recent Israeli raids in the West Bank, Palestinian Islamic Jihad warned that its fighters would not […]


At least two people were killed in Bay during clashes between Shabaab and government forces. Shabaab’s new radio station in Dinsor is unpopular with locals. In Lower Shabelle, Shabaab has mediated a disagreement between two clans.

South Sudan

The UN fears casualties after it was confirmed that fighting took place at its base in Jonglei state. At least 500 people have been killed across the country as ethnic-based violence has spread.


The military killed 12 Boko Haram fighters in Adamawa state. Nigeria has unveiled a locally produced UAV aimed to bolster domestic defense. One Greek and one Ukrainian were kidnapped when their oil tanker was seized by pirates.