
The US and Russia failed to agree on a date for peace talks. The OPCW said it prefers shipping Syria’s chemical weapons outside the country for destruction. The Al Nusrah Front and 10 other battalions are launching an offensive to take over a scientific research center in Aleppo. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham confiscated historical artifacts, including mosaics, and destroyed a statue in Raqqah. ISIS, Al Nusrah, and allied rebels clashed with Kurdish YPG forces in Raqqah, and lost ground to the YPG in Hasakah. Footage appeared on YouTube of pro-regime fighters from Iraq and Lebanon in Reef Dimashq. Regime forces continued to battle Al Nusrah and allied rebels by the arms depots near Mahin in Homs; the head of the Syrian National Socialist Party in Sadad was killed by rebels. ISIS stormed a rebel battalion base in Hama, capturing the leader and 20 fighters and seizing their weapons.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
