
The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood announced plans to form Waad, a new political party in which a third of its membership will be allocated to Muslim Brotherhood members, a third to Islamists, and another third to liberal and nationalistic figures. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham destroyed the al-sheikh Bandar shrine in Raqqah. ISIS executed eight Alawite civilians in Hama, including four children and two women. ISIS and rebels clashed with regime forces and Popular Committees in Hama. Regime forces backed by NDF and Hezbollah fighters battled ISIS and rebels near Aleppo International Airport, capturing large parts of a battalion base that had been held by rebels for a year. A media activist was kidnapped in Aleppo city. The Al Nusrah Front claimed to have killed 120 Syrian troops in Homs, Deraa, and Hama, in recent attacks that included three suicide bombings. Saleh Muslim, the head of the Kurdish YPG, claimed that Turkey has recently stopped helping al Qaeda-linked groups near the Syrian border.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
