
The head of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party claimed that Kurdish militias have killed some 3,000 Salafists. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham issued a call for all Muslims and factions to come to the front as the group lost many fighters in recent clashes in Aleppo, and threatened to disarm or take to sharia court those armed groups and fighters who do not respond to the call. Regime forces dropped explosive barrels on parts of Tal Hasel in Aleppo that are controlled by ISIS, the Al Nusrah Front, and rebels. ISIS reportedly killed and decapitated a fighter in Aleppo. In Idlib, gunmen shot a doctor, and rebels launched rockets on a Shiite town. In Raqqah, rebels launched rockets on two towns held by the Kurdish YPG. A suicide car bomb detonated at a regime checkpoint in Damascus. The UN denounced recent “barbaric” mortar attacks on Damascus schools.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
