Monthly Archives: November 2013


President Karzai wants to delay signing the Bilateral Security Agreement with the US until after elections in April 2014. Seven Taliban fighters were killed in an airstrike in Nuristan. The Taliban killed four people in a possible suicide attack in Kandahar. Police captured a teenaged suicide bomber in Khost.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, al Qaeda’s branch in Iraq, killed 25 people in a truck bombing in a Shia area in Saadiya in Diyala province. On Nov. 18, security forces killed eight fighters from the Al Nusrah Front, an al Qaeda branch in Syria, as they attacked a border outpost in […]


Egypt’s ‘Muslim Sisterhood’ moves from social work to politics


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with rebels in Idlib. ISIS imposed ‘sharia’ restrictions on clothing for schoolgirls in Idlib. ISIS, the Al Nusrah Front, and other Islamist rebels clashed with regime forces in east Reef Aleppo and near the 80th brigade base. Gunmen kidnapped a media activist in Deir Hafer in […]


A policeman was shot and killed while trying to arrest suspects in the recent assassination of a senior national security official in Cairo. In Ismailia, a police officer was also shot and killed. Security forces claimed to have arrested nearly 30 suspected terrorists during operations in North Sinai. Militants fired a mortar at an olive […]


Saboteurs attempting to disrupt Afghanistan’s Loya Jirga held with explosives, arms

Central African Republic

Amid reports that infamous LRA leader Joseph Kony is in CAR, the UN Secretary General said the anarchy in the country risks spiraling further and that 9,000 peacekeepers could be needed. Human rights groups say both Muslim and Christian militias may have committed war crimes, and a UN expert on genocide warned that the situation […]


A Borno state official accused Cameroonian authorities of habitually refusing to arrest or chase Boko Haram militants fleeing across the border after attacks in Nigeria. Borno has mobilized another 1,000 volunteers to join the controversial Civilian JTF. In Abuja, state security paraded five suspected Boko Haram members said to have been planning attacks in Kogi […]


French special forces in Tessalit killed Hacene Ould Khalill, a.k.a. Jouleibib, a Mauritanian national who served as deputy head of Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s Those Who Sign in Blood Brigade, which merged with MUJAO in August. Suspected MUJAO militants fired rockets into Gao. At least three French soldiers in an armored vehicle were wounded in an explosion […]


The Supreme Security Committee and the Zintani al Qaqaa brigades handed over their Tripoli bases to the army. A car bombing aimed at a colonel in Benghazi’s police force seriously injured his brother. A spokesman was appointed for Benghazi’s Joint Security Room, the third in four months. Gunmen trying to kill the deputy head of […]

United Kingdom

The Foreign Office is looking into reports that four British nationals have died fighting for Islamist forces in Syria. The four men were said to be part of a group of 10 British extremists who joined with 20 other British fighters in al Qaeda forces, including the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of […]

United States

The US and Afghanistan reached a deal on the text of the Bilateral Security Agreement; the agreement is contingent on approval by Afghanistan’s Loya Jirga, which convenes tomorrow. Secretary of State Kerry said the draft agreement provides that US forces would “train, equip, and assist” Afghan forces, but have no combat role. The draft agreement […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 26 people in a series of car bombings in Baghdad. An al Qaeda leader from Pakistan blew himself up as security forces raided his hideout in Tarmiyah. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Kirkuk and six “infiltrators” in Al Qaim.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, along with the Al Nusrah Front, carried out four suicide car bombings today in the Qalamoun region, killing at least seven regime soldiers. ISIS, Al Nusrah, and two allied rebel groups attacked regime positions in Reef Dimashq. Regime forces in Damascus reportedly detained Raja al-Nasser, the General […]


Young Palestinian Refugees Join Jihadists Fighting in Syria


Wanted Dagestani militant Ruslan Kazanbiev was killed in a shootout with police in Makhachkala on Nov. 19. Two policemen and a passerby were also killed in the clash, and another policeman was injured. Authorities have surrounded the house where three of Kazanbiev’s associates are hiding.


Hasan Faraji, an Iranian who was arrested in late October near the Israeli Embassy in Baku, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. Authorities accused him of plotting to attack the embassy, after allegedly finding blueprints and photos of the embassy in his apartment and evidence of contacts with Iran’s Quds Force and key […]