Monthly Archives: November 2013


Belgium said it was “not favourable” to having Syrian chemical weapons destroyed on its soil, but that it would help to make an inventory of the weapons. In recent weeks, politicians and the Belgian royal family have received email death threats and bomb warnings that appear to come from Islamists. Two of the targeted politicians […]

United States

A senior US military official said the US is planning on training 5,000 to 7,000 Libyan soldiers and a smaller number of Libyan special forces. An aerial target drone crashed on a naval ship off the California coast, slightly injuring two sailors.


The Taliban beheaded six construction workers in Kandahar, and killed two policemen in an IED attack in Kabul and an ISAF soldier in the south.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 20 Iraqis, including two soldiers, in bombings in Baghdad, Radwaniyah, Madain, and Tarmiyah. In the attack in Madain, the brother of an Awakening leader was killed in a bombing at the commander’s home.


Abdelqader Saleh, head of the Islamist al-Tawhid Brigades, died in a Turkish hospital after being wounded in Aleppo on Nov. 14. A rebel bombing at a military base near Harasta in Reef Dimashq killed three generals, a brigadier general, and 27 soldiers. Ten fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and 18 […]


West Faces Challenge in Moving Syrian Chemical Arms Through Battlefields


Strains With Israel Over Iran Snarl US Goals in Mideast


Reports indicated that Israel has been detaining an alleged al Qaeda operative for over three years. Defense Minister Ya’alon said recent attacks in the West Bank are tied to peace talks with the Palestinians. Outgoing national security chief Yaakov Amidror said Israel is not bluffing when it comes to potentially striking Iran’s nuclear program.


A former official alleged that ousted president Mohammed Morsi had been in contact with jihadists in Africa, in particular Mali. A security officer who was monitoring Muslim Brotherhood activity within the national security sector was shot and killed in Nasr City. A roadside bomb in Sinai injured three security personnel.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas allowed media organizations to film inside its terror tunnels in the Gaza Strip. Fatah’s al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades recently held a military parade in the West Bank. Hamas accused Egyptian officials of being reluctant to relieve Palestinian suffering in Gaza. An explosion at a “military site” in Gaza injured five people.


To a Philosopher-General in Israel, Peace Is the Time to Prepare for War


Mustafa Nuh, the deputy chief of intelligence, was kidnapped near the airport in Tripoli. Two days of clashes between militias and Tripoli residents have left 43 people dead and some 500 wounded. Prime Minister Zeidan said no more forces should enter the city.


Authorities shot and killed nine people who attacked a police station in Serikbuya township in the western province of Xinjiang; two police officers were also killed. The attackers were young Uighurs armed with knives and axes; onlookers asked in vain for leniency for the attackers. One of the slain policemen also was a Uighur.

United States

The FBI warned that the hackers’ group Anonymous has been accessing confidential data on government computers in the US Army, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, and possibly other agencies, since December 2012. Authorities believe the cyberattacks are ongoing. General David M. Rodriguez, head of the US military’s Africa Command, said it […]


A regime helicopter exploded in the sky over Jassim village in Raqqah. Kurdish YPG fighters clashed with the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and rebels in Raqqah. Al Nusrah and several rebel units belonging to the sharia council captured the Koniko gas facility in Deir Izzour city, considered the […]


Israeli army’s drone commander: Surgical strikes were key in Operation Pillar of Defense


Israel tries to stop former agent from testifying in terror financing case against Bank of China


US Official Calls for Uprooting Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing from Lebanese System


Egypt: Fears replace Christians’ high expectations