
A regime airstrike in Aleppo killed Youssef al-Abbas, commander of the Qatari-backed al-Tawhid Brigades. Hassan Nazrallah, the head of Hezbollah, said the group would not withdraw from Syria so long as the Assad regime needed it. The Jaish al Islam, a rebel coalition linked to Saudi Arabia, issued a call for foreign fighters; a jihadist research group questioned the move. Regime forces clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, al-Khadra’ battalion, Maghawir Baba A’mru brigade, and rebels outside Mahin in Homs. An ISIS suicide bomber detonated near Hasel in Aleppo. Protests near ISIS headquarters in Qadi A’skar in Aleppo called for the release of kidnapped activists and an end to masked men in Aleppo city. Kurdish forces now control all of the mainly Kurdish cities in Hasakah. Norway said it would send 50 troops and two ships to help transport chemical weapons out of the country for destruction.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
