
A senior Revolutionary Guards commander was killed near Damascus. A truck bomb in a Shiite village in Homs killed seven civilians and injured at least 40 more. Regime forces in Homs clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, al-Khadra’ battalion, and Maghaweer Baba Amr in the Mahin area. Regime and rebel forces battled inside Aleppo’s historic Umayyad mosque, and ISIS clashed with a rebel group in Aleppo. The sharia council in Hureitan and the Ahfad O’mar battalion, Jund al-Mawla, Shuhada’ Ratiyan, Suyouf al-Shuhaba’, Nour al-Sham Islamic battalion, and al-Ansar pledged obedience to the Al Nusrah Front in Aleppo. The al-Sahaba battalions, Ahfad al-Rasool brigades, and Ahrar al-Sham clashed with regime forces in al-Qneitra and in Reef Dimashq. Kurdish YPG forces have taken over 19 villages in Hasakah from ISIS and allies in the past two days; ISIS, Al Nusrah, and rebel allies are sending reinforcements to Hasakah and attacking YPG villages in Reef Aleppo. ISIS and allies are accused of planting land mines in Hasakah. The UN said 40% of Syria’s population needs humanitarian aid.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
