
A Tunisian Salafist with links to Ansar al Sharia in Libya and Tunisia denied that Tunisian passports seized at Ansar al Sharia’s Benghazi base belonged to the group’s Tunisian branch. A Derna-based militant from Ansar al Sharia threatened in a televised interview on Nov. 25 that the group would “fight people who seek democracy, secularism, and the French” and kill anyone who did not obey sharia law, and he called the government and military “apostates.” A judge survived an assassination attempt in Derna. A convoy of 10 Ansar al Sharia “technicals” was prevented from traveling to Benghazi yesterday from its Derna base. Another Islamist extremist group in Derna, the Army of the Islamic State of Libya, resumed its nighttime patrols.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
