United States

Secretary of State Kerry is meeting in Kabul with Afghanistan’s president to try to reach an agreement on US troop presence in the country after 2014; President Obama has said that if no deal is reached by Oct. 31, the US will withdraw all troops by the end of 2014. Two New York City men face charges of trying to support terrorist acts; Humayoun Ghoulan Nabi, a Pakistani national, and Ismael Alsarabbi, a naturalized citizen from Kuwait, were arrested after a two-year investigation showing their intent to provide winter gear for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. Sinh Vinh Ngo Nguyen a.k.a. Hasan Abu Omar Ghannoum, of Garden Grove, Calif., was charged with trying to support al Qaeda; he was arrested while en route to Mexico. Investigators discovered that the CIA warned in 2009 about NSA leaker Edward Snowden after he sought unauthorized access to classified files.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
