
A rebel claiming to speak for some 65 Free Syrian Army units said they were withdrawing from the Syrian National Coalition. Regime gunners attacked rebel and Al Nusrah Front forces clashing with regime troops outside Aleppo Central Prison. Two Al Nusrah suicide bombers detonated inside the gates of the prison, killing at least seven guards as well as themselves. ISIS clashed with a rebel battalion outside Azaz, and detained a rebel leader who controlled the Bustan al-Qasr crossing. Kurdish YPG fighters clashed with Al Nusrah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Hasakah; 21 ISIS and Nusrah fighters, as well as 12 YPG fighters, were killed. YPG had offered an Eid ceasefire two days ago, saying it would fight only if attacked. Two suicide bombers targeted the Allahu Akbar brigade in Deir Azzour. A minibus hit a mine in Deraa, killing 21 people. The OPCW said it has visited 11 of 20 chemical weapons sites and destroyed equipment at six of them.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
