
The opposition Syrian National Coalition said it would not participate in Geneva II peace talks unless Hezbollah leaves Syria and the talks are not mediated by Iran; the SNC also said it would not talk with the Assad regime. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant clashed with a tribal group in Raqqah. The Al Nusrah Front, ISIL, and rebel fighters control al-Shdadi city in Hasakah. Rebels along with the largely Libyan al-Umma brigade are fighting regime forces in Idlib. Kurdish YPG forces clashed with ISIL and rebel fighters in Aleppo. ISIL claimed a three-man suicide attack on Sept. 19 against Kurdish forces in Irbil. The Al Nusrah Front claimed attacks in Aleppo on Sept. 29 and Oct. 1, and a joint assault with Ahrar al Sham in Deraa on Sept. 30 that involved a suicide bomber and allegedly killed over 70 people.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
