Monthly Archives: October 2013


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed seven policemen in a suicide assault in Fallujah. Two suicide bombers and several fighters were also killed in the attack. Since Oct. 1, the ISIS has used 22 suicide bombers in Iraq.


U.S. high court asks Obama administration’s view on bank secrecy


US State Department officials said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham has hindered the flow of aid from the US and other countries to the moderate opposition. Abu Amarr, a senior rebel commander in the Free Syrian Army and the leader of the Fallujah-Houran brigade, was killed in clashes with regime forces in […]


Students from Egypt’s al-Azhar University continued to protest and call for the reinstatement of former president Morsi. Security forces reportedly arrested suspects wanted in connection with the recent shooting at a church. Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the Oct. 19 car bombing near a military intelligence building in Ismailia.


Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin warned that the current conditions are an opportune time for “the Palestinian masses to rise up.” A resident of Jerusalem was sentenced to three and a half years in jail for agreeing to spy on Israel for Hezbollah. IDF forces discovered an explosive device near the border with Gaza. […]

Palestinian Territories

A Palestinian Authority minister recently praised Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin as a good role model for children. Hamas admitted that its operatives had dug a newly discovered terrorist tunnel into Israel. Qatar will reportedly provide the Palestinian Authority with $150 million to aid its fiscal problems.


Inside Israel’s Frenemy Diplomacy With Turkey


Egyptian Christians fear chaos after wedding bloodshed


Prime Minister Zeidan said Libya faces massive security challenges as its army and police forces have been “infiltrated” by persons and forces seeking to prevent its stability. He also claimed arrests have been made relating to the slew of assassinations, especially in the east, by persons who plan to “hijack the state,” but said the […]

United Kingdom

Officials filed terror charges against two 25-year-old men who were arrested in east London during raids last week. Both of the suspects are British nationals; one is of Turkish origin and the other Algerian. Two other men arrested with them have been released. Pavlo Lapshyn, a postgraduate student from Ukraine, pled guilty to the murder […]

United States

The US has quietly begun releasing $1.6 billion in aid to Pakistan; most military aid had been frozen for much of the past two years due to strained relations. The Pentagon said it will not renew its lease for the Manas base in Kyrgyzstan next year, so starting in July 2014 US military flights in […]


Afghan officials claimed that security forces killed 22 Taliban fighters and captured 16 more. ISAF killed nine “militants” in airstrikes in Kunar. The Taliban killed three policemen in Farah and an ISAF soldier in the south. An Afghan special forces commander in Kunar defected to the Taliban.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed three members of Rawa’s local council and three policemen in a complex attack that included eight suicide bombers. An ISIS suicide bomber killed 35 Iraqis in an attack in Baghdad.


East Africa: Maritime Piracy Falls to Lowest Level in 7 Years, Reports IMB


A suicide truck bombing by the Al Nusrah Front killed 43 people in Hama and wounded dozens more; although an army checkpoint was targeted, 32 of the dead were civilians. The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights accused the international community of hypocrisy for focusing on chemical weapons while thousands of Syrians are […]


Three security personnel were wounded in a shooting attack in the Sinai. Three people wanted for attacks on security personnel in the Sinai were arrested. The trial of 25 suspected terrorists was adjourned until mid-December. A suspect was arrested for links to the killing of a number of Shia Muslims last June. Security forces used […]


An IDF force near the border with Gaza was fired upon by Palestinians. Prime Minister Netanyahu warned against the implementation of a partial deal related to Iran’s nuclear program. A court ordered the continued remand of a suspected IRGC operative.