
Mayhem in Benghazi is being blamed on Ahmed Boukhtala, a militant leader with ties to Ansar al Sharia who is also suspected in the Sept. 11, 2012 on the US Consulate. Malta’s consul in Benghazi left Libya after receiving a “credible threat” to his safety. A bomb killed a Benghazi policeman. Militants slit the throats of two soldiers in Benghazi. Four militants at an Ansar al Sharia camp in Sirte were killed while moving explosives; one of the dead militants was said to be an Egyptian, and two others were identified as Mohamed Mahmoud Al-Mashaiye and Adel Al-Forjani. Libyan professional soccer players in Tripoli are being threatened and attacked. A security official was assassinated in Zliten. Prime Minister Zeitan called the Libyan Revolutionaries Operations Room “terrorists” who want to bring down the government.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
