
The Syrian poet Mohammad al-Hamada was shot and killed by fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Idlib after an altercation; he had gone there to inquire after his son, who had been missing for months. The local revolutionary council in Minbej city in Aleppo resigned its responsibilities to the military council in protest against the takeover of the city mills by ISIL. Fighters from the Al Nusrah Front stormed into the ancient Christian town of Maaloula, north of Damascus, clashing with regime forces there. The president of the European Union called the Aug. 21 chemical attack “abhorrent,” but said only a political solution, not a military strike, can resolve the Syrian crisis. The head of the Free Syrian Army has asked that US strikes be powerful enough to end Syrian airstrikes and missile attacks on rebel-controlled areas.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
