
The Syrian military continues to redeploy in advance of the threatened US military intervention. A 50-man US-trained rebel cell reportedly left Jordan for Syria. Rebels shelled Alawite villages in Latakia. Fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant clashed in Aleppo’s Jrablos city with the family of a defected army colonel; a man was killed and others injured before the ISIL fighters dispersed into the city. Regime forces regained control of Ariha in Idlib, which had been seized by the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al-Sham, Suqoor al-Sham, and several other battalions. Kurdish forces continued to clash with ISIL and allies in Hasakah. The al Jabsa gas line is still burning; state media blamed “armed terrorists” for the sabotage and for an attack on an oil well in Hasakah. About 55 soldiers defected to the rebels. The UN Secretary General warned that strikes on Syria could unleash more turmoil, and said they are illegal unless conducted in self-defense or approved by the Security Council.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
