
Prosecutors in southern Turkey issued an indictment against six members of the Al Nusrah Front who were among 11 persons arrested in May in Adana with chemicals used to make sarin gas. Syrian national Hytham Qassap, 35, was indicted along with five Turkish citizens for trying to procure chemical materials in Turkey for the Al Nusra Front and the Ahrar al Sham Brigades. Qassap had allegedly been told to move to Antakya by the leader of the Ahrar al Sham, Abu Walid. The indictment said the defendants admitted to obtaining the chemicals to “prevent Syrian regime war planes from attacking cities with the help of white smoke, polishing rockets and tanks and camouflaging sharpshooters while they change their positions.” The indictment further charged that chemical materials are used by members of Ahrar al-Sham and the Al Nusrah Front.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
