Monthly Archives: September 2013


Russia offered to send a small detachment of observers to Syria to help with the destruction of its chemical weapons arsenal. Foreign Minister Lavrov accused the US, UK, and France of trying to “blackmail” Russia by threatening to pull out of the chemical weapons disposal deal unless Russia supports a UN resolution authorizing military action […]


The death toll in the Shabaab attack on the Nairobi mall has risen to 68. Some 10 to 15 attackers are thought to be still holding hostages inside the mall as security forces surround the area. President Kenyatta said Kenya will not relent in the war on terror and also said Kenya’s ethnic and cultural […]


Private donations give edge to Islamists in Syria, officials say


An environmental protection official in Borno state said that 142 people had been killed this week; suspected Boko Haram militants dressed in army uniforms were attacking people at checkpoints. Security officials stormed a hospital in Abuja yesterday to question suspected Boko Haram militants injured in a gunbattle with security forces during a raid on insurgent […]


Germany’s spy chief said that about 170 German Islamists have traveled to Syria for jihad, and warned that 50 have gone to Syria in recent months. Chancellor Merkel appears likely to win a third term in general elections today.


Syria meets deadline for chemical weapons disclosure


An Afghan soldier killed three US Special Forces troops in an attack at a base in Paktia. The Afghan military claimed that 15 Taliban fighters, including a district shadow governor, were killed in Kapisa. The US killed a Taliban commander and three fighters in an airstrike in Kunar. The Taliban freed seven Afghan soldiers who […]


Authorities arrested 10 Tajik nationals in the capital city of Dushanbe who were allegedly planning a series of attacks, including a hostage siege, on government facilities in four Dushanbe districts. Among those arrested is the group’s leader, Alamurod Makhanov, who had trained in terrorist camps in Pakistan. The alleged ringleader of the group, which is […]


A former chemical weapons chief in the regime’s army said he had on three occasions defied orders to use chemical weapons, and claimed that the regime has already transferred some of its chemical weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon and to Iran via Iraq. A Free Syrian Army spokesman claimed that the regime sent chemical weapons […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed more than 70 people in a series of suicide attacks and bombings in Baghdad and Bayji. In one of the attacks, in Bayji, a suicide assault team killed seven policemen and penetrated the perimeter of a special forces base.


The Youth Movement of Tawhid and Jihad in Egypt in a recent statement declared war on the US and said the Egyptian army is simply an arm of the US. The army reportedly agreed to revise in absentia sentences for over 600 Sinai residents. Authorities continued operations in the Sinai against Islamist militants, while two […]


Authorities announced that an IDF soldier had been murdered by a Palestinian in the West Bank. The Foreign Ministry said three Israelis were rescued from the Shabaab attack on the Westgate mall.


Tunisia women ministry to fight ‘sex jihad’ trips to Syria

Shabaab suicide teams target civilians in assault on Kenyan mall

At least 59 people have been killed and over 150 wounded in the largest terrorist attack in Kenya since al Qaeda’s 1998 bombing of the US Embassy. The Shabaab assault teams singled out non-Muslims for execution. The attack is similar to Lashkar-e-Taiba’s assault on Mumbai in 2008.


A sneak peek at the IDF units who would be key in future Iran strike

Palestinian murders Israeli soldier in West Bank

An IDF soldier from the coastal city of Bat Yam was lured by a Palestinian coworker to the West Bank and subsequently murdered. The Palestinian said he had hoped to trade the soldier’s body for one of his brothers, who is imprisoned by Israel for terror-related crimes.


A man threw a grenade into the money exchange center at the Bakara market in Mogadishu, killing at least two people and injuring four others, who included Yemenis. Officials arrested several suspects and blamed Shabaab for the attack, which occurred at the same time as a Shabaab massacre at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya.