Monthly Archives: September 2013


Kenya : Detectives put Westgate Shopping Mall tenants on spot as investigation takes new turn

United States

The US is examining claims by Kenyan authorities that Americans were involved in the Shabaab massacre at a Nairobi mall. Donald John Sachtleben, a former FBI employee, agreed to plead guilty to leaking national defense information about terrorist plots to the Associated Press; during the yearlong investigation, the Justice Department secretly obtained records from numerous […]


Jundallah claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide attack at a church in Peshawar that killed 81 Christians. Five policemen were killed in an IED attack in Pishin. The Taliban killed an ANP leader in Buner. Three Lashkar-e-Islam members were killed in a premature IED detonation.


The Taliban killed 11 border policemen in Kandahar, two ISAF soldiers in the east, and an intelligence official in Kunduz. Also in Kandahar, an Afghan policeman killed five of his colleagues. Afghan officials said that security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters in Farah, 12 in Kapisa, and four more in Nangarhar. “Gunmen” kidnapped five election […]


Israeli officials confirm sending experts team to advise on Kenya standoff


President Assad insisted that Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal is secure. A suicide car bomb blew up at a regime checkpoint in Hama. Regime aircraft attacked an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant camp in Deir Izzor. ISIL fighters seized radiological imaging equipment in Aleppo city. Kurdish YPG fighters killed an Al Nusrah Front leader […]


Two bombs planted in a funeral tent in a predominately Sunni neighborhood in Baghdad killed 16 people. Two people were killed in an IED attack that targeted an ambulance in the capital.


Security forces continued to target Islamist militants operating in the Sinai and destroy smuggling tunnels along the border with Gaza. The Ibn Taymiyyah Media Center, a jihadist media unit, called for attacks against the army. An Egyptian court banned all Muslim Brotherhood activities and ordered the seizure of assets tied to the Islamist group. Foreign […]

Palestinian Territories

The Palestinian Authority’s foreign minister refrained from condemning the recent killings of IDF soldiers in the West Bank. Hamas’ Qassam Brigades praised the latest attack in Hebron as a “heroic operation.” Representatives from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran recently met and agreed to fortify the “axis of resistance.”


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in the Yemeni military in Sana’a. A court sentenced an al Qaeda fighter to three years of house arrest for his role in fighting alongside al Qaeda in Abyan province.


Authorities arrested “more than 10” suspects, including four at the airport, who are thought linked to the Shabaab assault on a Nairobi mall. The death toll was revised to at least 62; the military said all floors of the mall have been cleared, but there were also reports that some gunmen remained. A Shabaab commander […]


Reporter Denies Writing Article That Linked Syrian Rebels to Chemical Attack


A popular Sufi cleric was assassinated in Derna; a group called Vanguards Of The Caliphate claimed the attack. Derna, which like Benghazi has seen a number of political assassinations this year, is a known stronghold of Ansar al Sharia. A commander of the SSC militia was murdered yesterday in Tripoli. Prime Minister Zeidan’s press office […]


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and seriously injured two more in an attack outside a police headquarters in Khuchni in Dagestan. Chechnya’s interior minister said that Chechen jihadists are entering Syria via Turkey and Azerbaijan. President Putin said Russia would offer security assistance to Tajikistan along its Afghan border; he also warned that any […]


Canada is investigating reports that a 24-year-old Canadian from Ontario was involved in the Shabaab attack on a Nairobi mall. Authorities said at present they have no information to confirm the claim.


Syrian opposition group says it willing to attend Geneva talks

United States

The FBI and US intelligence authorities are investigating whether any Americans are part of the Shabaab assault team that attacked a Nairobi mall. US citizen Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, 23, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for lying to the FBI about his attempts to join the Taliban or al Qaeda. He was an acquaintance […]


A suicide bomber killed 16 Iraqis and wounded 35 more in an attack at a funeral in Baghdad. Two Iraqi policemen were killed in attacks in Tikrit and two soldiers were killed in a bombing in Mosul.


Abu Abdullah al Libi, a Libyan local commander in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, was killed along with 12 ISIL fighters in a clash with a rebel group in Idlib; the Free Syrian Army denied culpability for his death. ISIL fighters attacked Al Nusrah Front headquarters in Hasaka yesterday and stole weapons […]


Rebels View Coalition Leadership Outside Syria as Detached From the Suffering


An Israeli soldier was shot and killed by a Palestinian sniper while on patrol in Hebron. A day after announcing the abduction and murder of an IDF soldier by a Palestinian in the West Bank, the Shin Bet said that thus far in 2013 at least 37 abduction attempts have been thwarted. An IDF patrol […]


Security forces continued to target Islamist militants in operations in the Sinai. The army’s spokesman said the army does not plan to nominate or support a specific candidate in presidential elections. Student supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood were arrested for partaking in protests.


Netanyahu Is Said to View Iran Deal as a Possible Trap


Four tribesmen and four Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in Marib. An American photojournalist is said to have been kidnapped in Sana’a. The American ambassador denied reports of hundreds of US soldiers being deployed in Yemen.

Al Qaeda

Canada – Omar Khadr to make first public appearance as lawyers challenge detention