Monthly Archives: September 2013


Al Qaeda attempted to assassinate a senior leader of the Awakening in Baghdad in a suicide attack; six of his bodyguards were killed. Another suicide bomber killed four people in Baqubah. Al Qaeda also attempted to assassinate the Turkish consul in Mosul.


Top-secret US intelligence files show new levels of distrust of Pakistan


Syrian troops are said to have relocated in advance of threatened US strikes; some reportedly are occupying schools and universities. The military resumed heavy bombardment of East Ghouta, and rebel forces claimed to be taking advantage of the recent dispersal of regime forces seeking to evade US strikes. A number of non-Syrian rebel fighters were […]


The Muslim Brotherhood announced plans for new protests in the days ahead. At least two civilians were wounded when a bomb was thrown near a police station in Cairo. Two Islamists militants, possibly tied to the MSC in Jerusalem, wanted in connection with the recent killing of more than 20 policemen and rocket attacks on […]


The Shin Bet released its August terrorism report, which noted that five rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip and Sinai towards Israel. A roadside bomb near the border with Gaza targeted an IDF patrol, the second such incident in the past week. Authorities arrested seven terror suspects and seized illegal weaponry during raids in […]


A car bomb injured four policemen in a Shia village near Manama last week. Police recently clashed with February 14 Coalition protesters in Shia villages near the capital.


Turkey’s Opposition Parties Reject Military Strike in Syria


A district intelligence chief in Mogadishu was gunned down outside of his home. A government official was killed in an IED attack in the capital. Heavy fighting between Shabaab and Somali troops was reported in El Barde.


Jihadist Teachings Drawn Back Into Classroom In Pakistani Province


Chechen Leader Pulls Out Of Russian-Landmark Contest, Charging ‘Fraud’

Al Qaeda

Insight: As Obama blinks on Syria, Israel, Saudis make common cause


Interior Minister Valls said that France “cannot go it alone” on Syria and would wait for the US Congress’ decision. The government released an intelligence assessment blaming the Assad regime for the Aug. 21 attack in Damascus and describing the regime’s extensive chemical weapons arsenal. The leaked French intelligence report claims that the Assad regime […]

United Kingdom

Foreign Secretary Hague said the UK would offer only diplomatic support to its allies in any Syrian military intervention. A British colonel denied claims that UK troops abused, mutilated, or executed Iraqis after a fierce battle near Majar al-Kabir in southern Iraq in May 2004.

United States

The Obama administration is lobbying Congress to support a proposed military intervention in Syria. Secretary of State Kerry claimed that traces of sarin gas were found in samples from Damascus on Aug. 21. The USS Nimitz carrier strike group headed towards the Red Sea; the US naval presence in the eastern Mediterranean has doubled in […]


Ansarul Muhajideen killed nine Frontier Corps troops in an IED attack in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed a member of a pro-government militia in Swat. The government denied it is conducting peace talks with the Taliban.


The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq claimed that Iraqi soldiers guarding the camp killed 44 of its members; two Iraqi soldiers are also reported to have been killed. The United Nations said that more than 800 Iraqis were killed during fighting in the month of August.


The Arab League passed a resolution urging the UN and the international community to “take the deterrent and necessary measures against the culprits … that the Syrian regime bears responsibility for.” Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said his country would back a US strike if the Syrian people did. A rights group said that 110,371 people […]