Monthly Archives: September 2013


Afghanistan security forces’ readiness for NATO withdrawal still a hard sell


Syria crisis: China joins Russia in opposing military strikes

United States

President Obama said he could order strikes in Syria even without authorization from Congress, and argued that the “red line” was not his but the world’s. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 10-7 to authorize a military intervention in Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Secretary of State Kerry of lying about the strength of […]


ISAF’s second in command said that Coalition forces have no plans to completely withdraw from Afghanistan. The commander of the Afghan National Army’s 205th Military Corps said that ISAF forces have withdrawn from 188 of the 235 bases in Kandahar and Zabul.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 16 members of a Shia family in an attack on a home in Lutafiyah. The terror group killed five policemen in Baghdad, five soldiers in Tarmiyah, and an Awakening leader, his wife, and three children in Arab Jabur.


As Syria deteriorates, neighbors fear bioweapons threat


The government will prosecute five Saudi Arabian members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on terrorism charges. The Southern Secessionist Movement is continuing to seek a break with the government.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant reportedly beheaded two men near al-Dweiraniya in Aleppo in late August. The Al Nusrah Front and allied jihadists seized an army checkpoint today outside the ancient Christian town of Maalula after attacking the checkpoint with a suicide bombing. ISIL, the Al Nusrah Front, and “some rebel factions” […]


US Spies Missed Signs of Aug. 21 Syrian WMD Strike


IDF data suggests that at least 300 attacks have been waged against Egyptian security personnel and installations in recent weeks. Authorities arrested 15 Palestinians who clashed with security forces on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Defense Minister Ya’alon reportedly said settlement evacuations are not part of current talks with the Palestinians.


Al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya again accused the Egyptian army of lying about operations in the Sinai, and praised ‘the mujahideen’ for fighting the Egyptian army. Gunmen killed a clan chief in the Sinai who was said to be supportive of the army. A police officer was shot dead in a revenge killing in Aswan.

Palestinian Territories

A senior Palestinian official said peace talks with Israel were going nowhere. The Palestinian Authority announced plans to provide financial benefits to prisoners recently released from Israeli prisons. Hamas dismissed rumors of potential Egyptian strikes in the Gaza Strip.


Diplomat: UN chemical weapons team speeds up Syria analysis; due in 2 to 3 weeks


Syria: Military strike could spark a world war warns Vatican


West struggles to cope with online recruitment for Syria jihad


President Putin warned that any US strikes against Syria would be “an aggression,” but said Russia would act “in the most decisive and serious way” if there was clear proof presented to the UN of what weapons were used and who used them. He also said a US strike would not be aggression if it […]


A video featuring Abu Khattab, a Danish-speaking jihadist in Syria has emerged, showing Khattab and three other fighters declaring war on the “enemies of Islam” and aiming guns at photos of six prominent Danes, including NATO head Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The chairman of the Danish Syrian Association said the Assad regime was not responsible for […]


Proposed Syrian intervention – Six ways the president will try to convince Congress