Monthly Archives: September 2013


The Afghan Local Police killed six Taliban fighters in Ghazni. Security forces killed four more Taliban fighters in Badakhshan. The Taliban killed a female author from India in an attack in Paktika, two civilians in an IED attack in Laghman, and an ISAF soldier in the east.


Security forces killed a senior al Qaeda commander in Mosul; one soldier was killed during the raid. Al Qaeda killed three Awakening fighters in Al Haswa. The head of the Awakening in Anbar urged Syrians to reject the Al Nusrah Front, an al Qaeda affiliate.


The government offered a reward for the capture of any “non-Syrian terrorist,” and promised that amnesty would be offered to rebels who informed on their comrades. Syrian troops and tanks took up positions outside the ancient Christian village of Maaloula, which was stormed by the Al Nusrah Front and Free Syrian Army troops earlier this […]

Palestinian Territories

The PFLP threatened to strike Israel in response to potential Western strikes in Syria. Various Palestinian factions partook in a military parade in the Gaza Strip. A Palestinian minister said the next batch of Palestinian prisoners will be released at the end of October.


Pakistan militants prepare for war in Afghanistan after foreign forces withdraw


Denmark – Concerns mount about mosque’s ties to Hamas TV station


Islamists have taken over the southern city of Dalga, which has a population of 120,000, of whom 20,000 are Christian. Clashes between security forces and supporters of former president Morsi left at least two people dead. Leading Muslim Brotherhood member Mohsen Rady, the former head of the Culture and Information Committee at the People’s Assembly, […]


Advocate for rebels wields influence with Kerry, McCain


“Gunmen” killed an intelligence officer along the border with Saudi Arabian and a retired intelligence official in Lahj. Tribesmen blew up the country’s main oil pipeline in Marib province.


Omar Hammami, the American jihadist and designated terrorist, said he is no longer affiliated with Shabaab and al Qaeda, but is still a “terrorist.” Twitter closed down Shabaab’s account for the second time in a year.


Security forces killed seven terrorists in helicopter airstrikes in the Bordj Baji Moktar area of southern Algeria. The terrorists were attempting to cross the border into Mauritania, “where training camps run by salafist groups are located.”


Russia is sending additional ships toward Syria; the Defense Ministry said the Russian ships are to guarantee stability and “attempt to hold back other forces ready to start military action in the region.” He also said the Russian navy “does not intend to take part directly or indirectly in a possible regional conflict.” Another Russian […]

United States

President Obama has asked the Pentagon to expand the list of potential targets for the proposed Syrian military intervention; the use of Air Force bombers is now being contemplated. The administration continued to lobby lawmakers to support the proposed strikes. US officials said they intercepted a message from the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Qods […]


The Syrian poet Mohammad al-Hamada was shot and killed by fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Idlib after an altercation; he had gone there to inquire after his son, who had been missing for months. The local revolutionary council in Minbej city in Aleppo resigned its responsibilities to the military […]

Palestinian Territories

A Gaza-based group calling itself the Islamic Resistance Brigades recently threatened to strike the Israeli city of Tel Aviv if the Egyptian army conducts any operations in the Gaza Strip. A Palestinian official said that an Israeli proposal for provisional borders for a Palestinian state was unacceptable. A fighter in Hamas’ al Qassam Brigades died […]


A bomb exploded in the Cairo district of Nasr City, an Islamist stronghold, narrowly missing Interior Minister Ibrahim shortly after he left his home; 22 people were injured by the blast, including 10 police officers and a child. After the attack, in which gunmen also strafed his vehicle, Ibrahim warned of more terrorist attacks; Islamists […]


Prime Minister Ensour said Jordan would take no part in a military intervention in Syria, and that Jordan supports a peaceful resolution to the Syrian conflict. He stated that Jordan’s cooperation with the US has been limited to training Jordanian troops to confront operations that may involve chemical weapons. The terrorism trial of al Qaeda-linked […]


A grenade was thrown into the security force compound in Mitiga. A former intelligence officer escaped an assassination attempt in Ajdabiya; there have been 68 assassinations in Benghazi over the past two years. Former Ansar al-Sharia militia leader Ahmed Boukhtala, who has been charged by the US for the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, […]


President Bouteflika asked security forces to bolster border security due to recent escalation of al Qaeda activity in the northeastern province of Batna. Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb chief Abdalmalek Droukdel has reportedly ordered brigade chiefs to step up terrorist operations in cities and to focus on recruiting more fighters.