Monthly Archives: September 2013


A tribal leader in the Sinai expressed concern over reports of the creation of a buffer zone between Egypt and Gaza. Clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and security forces in the northern Sinai left at least one dead. Authorities claimed to have killed nine Islamist militants during ongoing operations in the Sinai. As part of […]


A retired colonel was assassinated and his son critically injured by a car bomb in Benghazi. Two government ministries closed on Sept. 8 after a “polite request” by protesters entering their offices, who said they should stop working. Libya is working on boosting military ties with Sudan. The National Security Committee said that the UN […]


Is the intelligence on Syria different this time?


Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said Syria should surrender its chemical weapons but the Assad regime should still be punished; he also denied that Turkey has links with radical groups in Syria, especially the Al Nusrah Front. Turkish officials denied reports that the Al Nusrah Front has been allowed to establish camps and use guesthouses near Ceylanpınar […]

Al Qaeda and the threat in Syria

Testimony to the House Committee on Homeland Security, on al Qaeda in Syria and the threat it poses to the US. Al Qaeda affiliates and allied jihadist groups dominate the insurgency in the heart of the Middle East.


Security forces clashed with about 200 militants from the Moro National Liberation Front for a second day in the southern port city of Zamboanga in Mindanao. At least four people have been killed, and some 180 civilians are being used as human shields by the militants. The city has been put on lockdown as residents […]


Russian Proposal Catches Obama Between Putin and House Republicans


1967 Border Is a Source of Strain in the Israeli-Palestinian Talks


Iran’s assets in Canada include more than $2.6-million held in 13 different bank accounts, Ottawa reveals


Obama’s national security adviser pushes for strike on Syria


The military said that 24 Taliban fighters were killed during a recent operation in Badakhshan. The Taliban claimed it killed several Afghan security personnel in a suicide assault in Kandahar. A former senator was gunned down in Balkh.

United States

President Obama called Syria’s acceptance of a Russian proposal that it give up its chemical weapons “a potentially significant breakthrough” and said his “preference consistently has been a diplomatic resolution to this problem.” He said he would “absolutely” halt a US military strike if the weapons were successfully secured but was skeptical Assad would follow […]


Syria welcomed Russia’s proposal that Syria turn over all of its chemical weapons to international control in order to avoid US military strikes. The Free Syrian Army said it does not trust the regime’s pledge. President Assad said the US should “expect everything” if it attacks Syria, because of the variety of forces in the […]


US Marines moved closer to Libya as 9/11 anniversaries approach


Obama Admin Keeping Syrian Rebel Leader Out of DC, Congressional Sources Say


At least 31 people have been killed and many more wounded in clashes between Muslims and Hindus in Muzaffarnagar in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Security forces have been told to shoot rioters on sight. Officials are blaming each other for the violence, and cite the recent publication of inflammatory material on social media. […]


Seven suspects charged with firing rockets in June at Hezbollah targets in Beirut confessed to membership in the Tal Kalakh Martyrs’ Battalion, a Free Syrian Army unit financed by a Syrian living in Turkey. So far, 14 people have been charged in the case; seven suspects remain at large. A Tripoli man was arrested for […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Interior Minister Fathi Hammad said Hamas was interested in starting a naval academy in the Gaza Strip. A senior Palestinian official said some countries have said they will recognize Palestine should negotiations with Israel fail. Palestinian Islamic Jihad denied that its weapons are being used in the Sinai.


Egyptian security forces continued their latest operation against Islamist militants in the Sinai. During the operation, authorities reportedly destroyed six smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Gaza. A security source warned that Ansar Jerusalem’s recent claim of responsibility for the assassination attempt on Interior Minister Ibrahim could be ‘misleading.’ Nabil Naim, a founder of Egyptian Islamic […]


After US Secretary of State Kerry said rhetorically that the US would not strike Syria if it handed over all of its chemical weapons in a week, Foreign Minister Lavrov appeared to back the request in principle, saying that “[w]e have given our proposal to Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and are counting on a […]


Five Boko Haram militants and 13 members of a civilian vigilante group were killed in northern Nigeria on Sunday. The clash occurred the day after at least 50 suspected Boko Haram members were reportedly killed in an encounter with the Nigerian military.