Monthly Archives: September 2013

Al Qaeda

Officials: Dozens in U.S. Under Surveillance as Potential Terror Threats


UN Rights Panel Cites Evidence of War Crimes by Both Sides in Syria


Red Cross urges US and Russia to help unblock aid delivery in Syria


The Interior Ministry said security forces killed two members of Ansar al Sharia and arrested two of the militant group’s leaders during a raid in a Tunis suburb on Sept. 9. The captured men, Mohamed Aouadi, its alleged military leader, and senior official Mohamed Khiari, were said to be involved in the assassinations of opposition […]


Takfirists behind Benghazi assassinations, former official says


UK approved more chemical exports to Syria than previously revealed


A powerful car bomb detonated outside the Benghazi offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, injuring two guards and destroying the front of the building. The blast, which occurred on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, involved such a large quantity of explosives that the bomb vehicle was destroyed […]


NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel


Mohammed El Bali, a wanted terrorist with ties to two jihadist recruiting networks that were dismantled in May, was arrested in Melilla last week. He had recently moved from Belgium to Melilla, and is said to have forged ties between jihadists in Melilla and Belgium and to be a member of Sharia4Belgium. Morocco issued an […]


A government spokesman said France remains determined to punish the chemical weapons use of the Assad regime in Syria if diplomatic measures fail, and that a military strike is still an option. Authorities are investigating four French men who were arrested last week and accused of robbing a fast food restaurant in Paris to finance […]


Moro National Liberation Front rebels are still holding 180 hostages and have seized up to 37 more as the standoff in Mindanao between security forces and the militant Islamist group enters its third day. Some 13,000 residents have been evacuated, and the government claims the situation has been “contained,” but clashes continue; several people have […]


Dismantling Weapons Poses Logistics, Security Challenges


Securing Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal will be formidable task, experts say

United States

President Obama addressed the nation on Syria, saying that as the Assad regime was to blame for the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack, the US has planned a targeted strike with the objective of deterring the use of chemical weapons and degrading Assad’s capabilities. He said he has asked Congress to postpone consideration of the […]


The Foreign Office said that the government would free Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the former deputy to Afghan Taliban emir Mullah Omar, in the next month. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan’s top leaders are meeting to discuss a government peace proposal. The Taliban also beheaded three members of a peace committee in Khyber […]


The Taliban killed seven people in an IED attack in Ghazni and four more in a similar bombing in Helmand. Four Afghan soldiers were wounded in a suicide bombing outside a base in Logar. Security forces killed a Taliban “sub-commander” in Badakhshan and three fighters in Kabul.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 24 Iraqis in a series of attacks and bombings in Yusufiyah, Latifiyah, Baghdad, and Mosul. Security forces arrested an al Qaeda leader, two aides, and three fighters in Ninewa, and a “terrorist” in Basrah.


Foreign Minister Mouallem said the regime would fully cooperate with Russia’s proposal that Syria surrender its chemical weapons, declare its chemical arsenal, stop producing the weapons, and sign conventions against them. A spokesman for the rebels’ Supreme Military Council said the US has begun supplying lethal as well as nonlethal aid to the rebels; he […]


El Al has reportedly cancelled a number of its daytime flights landing at Eilat’s airport due to concerns regarding terror threats from the Sinai. Israeli officials voiced skepticism over the idea that Syria would relinquish its chemical weapons stockpiles to international control. An IDF official warned that terror attacks in the West Bank are becoming […]