Monthly Archives: September 2013


In Turkey, US soldiers guard against Syrian missile threat


Prosecutors in southern Turkey issued an indictment against six members of the Al Nusrah Front who were among 11 persons arrested in May in Adana with chemicals used to make sarin gas. Syrian national Hytham Qassap, 35, was indicted along with five Turkish citizens for trying to procure chemical materials in Turkey for the Al […]


Al Nusrah Front fighters refused to surrender the body of a slain Palestinian fighter in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus because they were holding out for an exchange of bodies. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fighters detained a member of Aleppo’s sharia council. Al Nusrah and rebel groups clashed violently with regime […]


President Rouhani said Iran wants “the swiftest solution” to the impasse on its nuclear program, but warned that the peaceful character of the program could be guaranteed only “if there is political will, if there is mutual respect and mutual interest, and only if the rights of Iran’s people are ensured.” Iran has been expanding […]


Syrian weapons destruction may not take so long: US expert


Authorities continued their campaign against Islamist militants in the Sinai. A pro-Morsi alliance accused the army of launching a “genocide” in the Sinai. The detention of former president Morsi was extended for another 30 days. Morsi supporters held a number of demonstrations throughout the country. Authorities reportedly thwarted an attack on ships traveling through the […]


British citizen Jermaine Grant, alleged to have links to Somalia’s Shaabab, has been acquitted of charges related to robbery and raiding a police station. He will still face a separate trial in Mombasa regarding the possession of chemicals, batteries, and switches, which were allegedly for making explosives.


The Nigerian army killed 10 Boko Haram militants and recovered rifles and ammunition used by the group. Elsewhere in the country, two Nigerian policemen were killed after Boko Haram attacked their station with RPGs.


US also demands Syrian transparency on nuclear research


Abderozzak Benarabe, a convicted gang leader from Nørrebro who is said to have fought with the Islamist Ahrar al Sham brigade in Syria this year, is wanted by authorities for assault and robbery in Nørrebro. Officials interrogated him on his return from Syria but have not charged him with terrorist offenses. He is said to […]


Videos show Iranian officers supervising Syrian soldiers


President Hollande and the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates agreed on the need for more international support for the Syrian opposition and maintaining pressure on the Assad regime to ensure that it commits to negotiations on the Syrian crisis and does not again use chemical weapons. The Foreign Ministry […]


A court in the northwestern region of Xinjiang sentenced four Uighur men for a terrorist attack on June 26 that left 24 police and civilians dead as well as 13 militants. Alleged ringleader Ahmatniyaz Sidiq was sentenced to death, along with Urayim Eli and Abdulla Esrapil. The fourth man, Akram Usman, was sentenced to 25 […]


Egypt army in major push to eradicate Sinai militants


Sources: US weapons stolen in Libya raids, fueling Special Forces pull-out

United States

Congressional sources indicated that the 1,429 deaths cited by the Obama administration as attributable to a chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21 in Syria may fact include casualties from conventional weapons as well. Secretary of State Kerry called for prompt disclosure by Syria of its chemical weapons arsenal. Meeting in Geneva with his Russian counterpart, […]


US public-relations firm helps Putin make his case to America


Syria submitted its application to the UN to join the global Chemical Weapons Convention. Opposition websites claimed that a new chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Jobar has resulted in casualties. Kurdish forces in Hasakah have killed some 35 fighters from the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, […]